
Press Releases

Press Releases


New project completed with success: SOKA-BAU migrates two million policies with adesso

Earlier this month, SOKA-BAU, one of the largest pension funds in Germany, migrated a total of 1.94 million life insurance policies with the help of adesso insurance solutions. Currently in the midst of a full-scale digitization project designed to automate business processes, SOKA-BAU hopes to create the basis for further digitization and therefore opted for the policy management system in|sure PSLife from adesso insurance solutions.


adesso concludes space cooperation agreement with DLR

adesso is expanding its operations in the space sector after successfully reaching a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Aerospace Medicine within the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Within this partnership, adesso will be involved in upcoming DLR MAPHEUS launches through a range of research projects. The partners also aim to promote the up-and-coming new space sector. Start-ups will have the chance to become introduced to modern aerospace in the DLR Aeromedical FabLab.


Ralf Degerdon, Business Development Executive at adesso

adesso, a leading IT service provider in the German-speaking world, and the Polish digital health company Infermedica are entering into a strategic partnership aimed at increasing the performance and efficiency of the healthcare sector through digital solutions. According to the vision, the use of AI applications will relieve the workload for healthcare professionals, helping to ensure better care for patients at hospitals and doctors’ surgeries, as well as better service in their dealings with health insurers.


adesso plays key role in launch of new service platform for BMI Procurement Office

Supported by adesso, the Procurement Office of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) has successfully launched its new Public Procurement Data Service. The new service pools all publication data relating to tenders in a central, multifunctional service platform. adesso assisted the Procurement Office in a number of fields, including the detailed conceptualisation, specifications management and technical implementation of key components.


Efficient benefit management: The Versicherungskammer Group continues to put its trust in adesso insurance solutions

The health and travel insurers of the Versicherungskammer (VKB) Group (Bayerische Beamtenkrankenkasse and Union Krankenversicherung) are continuing to modernize their systems with software from adesso insurance solutions.


ChatGPT turns one – a popular and often-used application: Decision-makers desire German alternative to ChatGPT

On 30 November 2022, OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT to the general public. The premiere sent waves through business and society at large. Twelve months later, the IT service provider adesso asked how companies were using the application. For many users, ChatGPT has become a reliable helper in their everyday lives. Still, a clear majority would like to see a German counterpart.


adesso expands delivery capabilities in India with new office and delivery center in Kochi

adesso, one of the leading IT service providers, continues its international expansion with a new delivery center at Kochi in the southwestern Indian state of Kerala. With this second location in India, the adesso Group increases its attractiveness as a global partner for digitalization and significantly strengthens its global delivery and transformation capabilities.


adesso to manage social media accounts for LOTTO Hamburg

LOTTO Hamburg is turning to adesso to be its partner for social media. adesso is now the digital media agency in charge of the strategy and content behind all social media channels run by Hamburg’s state lottery company. The experts from adesso’s Digital Experience (DX) division, who specialise in online marketing, branding and social media, made a convincing pitch, earning them a four-year contract with the client.


In future, the IT service provider adesso will make EUR 30,000 available annually for open source projects, spread over three projects.

Open-source software is used in a large number of development projects and can be found in almost all software products. According to Bitkom’s Open Source Monitor 2021, 87 % of all large German companies consciously make use of it in projects and products. However, many developers of open-source projects work on a voluntary basis and make their software available free of charge. While large organisations often have a solid financial foundation to rely on, smaller newcomer projects increasingly lack these resources. As a result, adesso has decided to start supporting them with funding each year.


adesso and BSI AG to cooperate on health business

adesso and software developer BSI Business System Integration AG have agreed to continue their successful partnership, which began back in April 2022. adesso prevailed against numerous high-profile names in a pitch to the Swiss company and has taken over responsibility for implementing a variety of digitalisation projects for BSI’s health business with immediate effect. Statutory and private health insurers should benefit from the joint offering moving forward.

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