A blonde woman sits at a table and is typing on her laptop

Digital & Customer Experience

Innovative solutions for an unforgettable shopping and service experience

The perfect digital customer experience

Customised for you and your needs

Welcome to the age of the perfect digital customer experience! We know that every interaction between a company and its customers is crucial - whether it's a first impression, easy navigation on your website, a smooth purchasing process or ongoing customer service. Our experts with extensive technical, technological and industry expertise work together to create a seamless and consistently positive experience for your customers.

Rely on our expertise to take your digital experience (DX) and customer experience (CX) to a new level. Because for us, the focus is on how we can inspire your customers and retain them in the long term. Experience the future of customer service - seamless, positive and perfectly tailored to your needs.

Expert interview

Pioneering web portal

In this interview, Dror Peled from Mitsubishi Electric Europe and Guido Ahle from adesso provide insights into the importance of the digital (customer) experience and how they have successfully created one at Mitsubishi Electric. Peled explains how the design of a new website and central knowledge database for Mitsubishi Electric helps generate more leads and why agile collaboration was crucial to the project’s success.

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