Process Mining in Logistics

Internationally active pharmaceutical and laboratory suppliers in logistics


To reduce high storage costs due to excess inventory and a lack of transparency in the supply chain, adesso helped a company develop a modern data architecture. The challenge lay in coordinating numerous stakeholders with different interests and the lack of real-time data connectivity.


  • Excess stock built up regularly, leading to high storage costs
  • Many stakeholders involved, some with differing interests (purchasing, warehouse management, delivery)
  • No sophisticated data architecture in place


  • Real-time data integration by setting up a replication cockpit
  • Creating analyses and views for a better overview of the entire supply chain
  • Consistent tracking and optimisation of the range of coverage
  • Communication between stakeholders and definition of common target values


  • Real-time overview of the supply chain enables on-time ordering of goods
  • It is easier to identify failures or delayed deliveries and their causes
  • Optimised range of coverage and the associated savings in storage space and costs

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
