Fully integrated customer portals

The future of digital customer service

Digital transformation of the manufacturing industry

The digital transformation is also affecting the manufacturing industry and is not only impacting work on the machines in the factory. Customers of these companies also expect seamless and efficient interaction with their suppliers, transparency across all processes and real-time insights into data and its intelligent utilisation.

Fully integrated customer portals offer companies the opportunity to meet these requirements and optimise their processes at the same time.

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The all-in-one solution

Fully integrated customer portals create a new user experience

In order to utilise the benefits of fully integrated customer portals, networked machines and devices should not only be integrated into the customer portal. Rather, they should form the central element in the form of a fully integrated customer portal, around which all functionalities of the customer portal are grouped. This approach offers numerous advantages.

Gesteigerte Effizienz

Virtuelle Maschinenparks können Routineprozesse wie die Fehlerbehebung, Ersatzteilbestellung und Serviceanfragen stark vereinfachen und teilweise sogar automatisieren. Die dahinter liegende technische Integration macht diese Prozesse nicht nur für die Kundschaft auf Ebene der Portaloberfläche effizienter, sondern erhöht auch die Integration der Fertigungs- uns Serviceprozesse. Somit gehen verbesserter Kundenservice und effizientere Geschäftsprozesse Hand in Hand.

Verbessertes Kundenerlebnis

Kundinnen und Kunden haben jederzeit und von überall Zugriff auf alle relevanten Informationen zu ihren Maschinen, einschließlich Wartungsanleitungen, Handbüchern und Ersatzteilkatalogen. Die Bereitstellung zur richtigen Zeit im richtigen Kontext reduziert zudem Suchzeiten und führt zu einer Steigerung der Produktivität. Durch proaktiven Service und individualisierte Angebote können Unternehmen zudem ihre Kundenlangfristig an sich binden.

Neue Geschäftsmodelle

Virtuelle Maschinenparks liefern in Echtzeit Daten über den Zustand und die Leistung der angebundenen Maschinen. Die Visualisierung und Analyse dieser Daten ermöglicht die Optimierung der Produktionslinie und proaktive Planung von Wartungsarbeiten.

Companies can use this data to monetise insights and services relating to machines and thus open up new business models.

Replacing single-purpose apps with fully integrated portals requires nothing less than a paradigm shift. Fully integrated customer portals display all the required information and functions in one place for direct access by the customer in a context-sensitive manner. Machine data and documents, spare parts, maintenance and service history and much more. Information is provided where it is needed. This gives users a quick overview of the status of the machines and upcomin

adesso maturity model

We support you on the way to a fully integrated customer portal

Our maturity model supports the necessary transformation. It provides orientation and enables forward-looking planning, value-adding milestones and a long-term vision.

  • Characteristics

    There are a large number of scattered single-purpose applications and data silos for customer and machine data.


    Set up multiple authentication. There is a risk of inconsistent customer master data and a lack of overview of the install base.

  • Characteristics

    Basic integration of existing applications into a customer portal. The basic data for the virtual machine park is available.


    Establishment of a single sign-on to reduce login processes. The master data for Install Base is under a standardised interface. This results in a single point of contact for customer enquiries.


    The basis for deeper integration at the next level has been laid.

  • Characteristics

    A seamless customer experience thanks to the integration of customer and machine data. Business and operating data from the Install Base can be utilised.


    Standardised corporate identity for the customer portal and applications as well as a 360-degree view of customer and machine data thanks to the integration of data sources.


    The basis for personalisation and the prerequisite for data-driven integration at the next level have been created.

  • Characteristics

    A highly integrated customer portal enables active management of the install base and is supported by predictive maintenance.


    Data analytics leverages the potential of operating data to optimise maintenance, reduce downtimes and simplify spare parts orders.


    Forms the basis for AI-based data analytics, future automation of spare parts orders and the identification of new business cases.

Transformation management

From the status quo to the future

The technical implementation includes a transformation of the often existing heterogeneous system landscape with many distributed single-purpose applications. The goal is a fully integrated portal with a central user interface. adesso manages the transformation which, in contrast to greenfield approaches, takes up the existing infrastructure and leads it into the future.

Development plan as a planning aid

Together with your team, we create a development plan that organises the system landscape, visualises data flows and provides relevant insights for optimisation. The technical status quo is thus contrasted with a target image that helps to manage the transformation.

The use of fully integrated customer portals increases efficiency, improves the customer experience and enables new business models. However, the implementation of such portals requires investment in technology and infrastructure as well as the willingness to align processes and employees with the new technology.

References and use cases

adesso leads your company with experience and expertise as well as with drive and innovation

Digital customer portals

Simplifying processes with single sign-on

Digital transformation doesn't just affect individual departments in companies. If it is taken seriously, the changes brought about by digitalisation will permeate the entire organisation - and should therefore ideally be driven forward centrally. However, a centralised approach to the introduction and implementation of digitalisation projects is not the only important factor. Often, a digital product is also needed in which the threads come together.

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There is no website or broschure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
