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adesso and Java

Many years of project experience and a reliable approach

Right at home in the java environments

Pioneer in the Java world for business-critical enterprise applications

We are experts in Java. We have over 650 Java specialists who work for adesso to develop business-critical applications for companies. These applications are built using a combination of Java (the programming language), the Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) component model and commercial open-source solutions.

adesso develops business-critical applications for companies using our wealth of experience gained from countless numbers of software projects which have been built using a combination of Java (the programming language), the Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) component model and commercial open-source solutions.

adesso generally has a vendor-neutral approach, which means that we use whatever technologies are best suited to each task and its specific requirements. Our experts feel at home in the Java environment and use a wide range of technologies and methods.

adesso blogs - our contributions from the Java environment

In our tech blog we take you on an exciting journey across the adesso world. Among other things, we report on technologies, methods, topics that move individual industries or our own experiences.

However, our experts do not only deal with technical topics in our IT blog - you can also find out what the perfect job application looks like or how adesso offers its employees a wide range of development opportunities.

To the blog articles

Insights into our daily work

From portal solutions to app development to process administration - our references in the banking sector will give you an impression of our daily work, give you an insight into various projects and underline our technology and consulting competence in the banking sector. Financial service providers such as Deutsche Bank, Easy Credit, PostFinance and Union Investment place their trust in us.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.