• Modernisation of the existing core system


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Legacy Modernization

We aid you on your journey to a forward-looking IT set-up

adesso Transformer is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the adesso Group that focuses on providing companies from all industries across Europe with support in renewing their legacy systems. We offer you customised modernisation options for your business processes with our comprehensive consultancy and service portfolio.

Modernize your business processes

We support your company in modernising your legacy applications – from the preliminary analysis to implementation and maintenance. We work together with you to select the best possible modernisation option for your company as part of a preliminary analysis. We use our adesso transformer tool suite to ensure the modernisation process is effective. This enables us to transform your legacy applications into modern architectures and programming languages quickly and without straining your budget. In addition, extension and change requests can be incorporated into the modernisation process in order to generate direct added value at the same time, rather than simply replace the legacy application with like for like.

Our complete approach in six steps

  • In the course of a preliminary analysis, we analyse your existing application landscape. Here, adesso transformer analyze is used, with which an automated analysis of the source code of the old application can be carried out. Based on the findings of the source code analysis, conclusions are drawn about the processes and specialised logic of the applications. This provides us with valuable insights into possible modernisation paths and optimisation potential as early as the preliminary analysis stage. The first steps have thus been taken towards a rough concept and a profitability analysis.

  • Once a rough concept for the modernisation of your application landscape has been developed, we work with you to check its feasibility by means of an initial technical run-through. We use existing programmes and data to gain insights for further detailed design and implementation.

  • Before implementation, we specify the target environment and create the detailed concept. The detailed concept covers topics such as the replacement of proprietary host technologies, data migration and consolidation as well as security and information security.

    Current architecture paradigms - such as microservices or self-contained systems - and your current IT strategy (e.g. the multi-cloud strategy) are taken into account.

  • The actual migration of the application takes place after the conceptualisation phase. The migration path defined in the detailed concept is implemented for each part of the application. One option is the 100 per cent automated transformation of the legacy code. Important peripheral systems - such as job control (JCL) or output management - are adequately replaced.

    The user interface is always upgraded to a current technology stack in our modernisation solutions. The operating concept and interface can be based on the legacy system, for example to reduce training costs. Alternatively, the front end can be completely redesigned to optimise processes and improve the user experience.

    Data management is also modernised in this phase. Depending on the modernisation scenario, the data is migrated 1:1, modularised or transformed into alternative data formats. During the entire implementation, QA measures, supported by adesso transformer test, ensure the complete preservation and correctness of the functionality.

  • Experience has shown that after the actual modernisation and with the go-live of the application, further optimisation potential arises due to changed processes and organisations. After all, migration projects are always change projects. In addition, planned refactorings are implemented in this phase.

  • Following the project, we support you with additional services if required. These include, among other things

    • Personalised coaching
    • Functional further development
    • Managed services and operation
    • The complete transfer to application management

Hybrid modernisation could not be simpler

Many companies use applications that are essential for their business processes but were developed using technologies that no longer meet the current standards. With our hybrid modernisation concept, the mix of different modernisations options optimally balances the criteria of project duration, risk, technical debt and costs to create a strategy that fits the requirements and frameworks of your modernisation project.

Learn more about hybrid modernisation

The adesso transformer suite

Our tools for your successful modernisation project

The adesso transformer tool suite is the tool our migration experts use each and every day in countless modernisation projects. It contains tools and components to make implementing IT modernisation projects a success. You will find detailed explanations of these components below:

  • Legacy applications are often developed over the course of several years, and the development process often continues over several decades. This results in the business logic behind the applications becoming a firm fixture in the process, and it often still does exactly what is expected from it. Nevertheless, drivers – such as demographic change, licensing costs or the fundamental desire to modernise the architecture – can lead to a migration or modernisation project.

    With ‘adesso transformer code’, we offer you a solution that automatically transforms legacy applications or even parts of the application (for example computing cores) into a modern technology stack. adesso transformer code automatically translates code written in an old programming language (such as Cobol or PL/I) into Java. This way, you can retain the professional expertise that your company has put into its applications over the years. Future changes will then be implemented in the new language.

    Core functions:

    • Automated transformation of legacy code into Java code
    • The option of a pattern-based transformation makes it easier to maintain the generated code
    • Support for JEE and Spring environments
    • Based on open-source software
  • UI is often a key component of an application, meaning it is also the focus of application modernisation. Our approach to modernising UI is to upgrade the user interface to an up-to-date technology stack. The operating concept and the user interface can be based on the old system in order to reduce the costs and time needed for training, for example. Alternatively, the frontend can be completely redesigned to optimise processes and improve the user experience.

    ‘adesso transformer UI’ enables the layout, existing interface and data information to be extracted from the UI components of the legacy applications and transforms these into a generic intermediate format. New components are then generated from the available information, which can be used, for example, as a building block for new UI.

    Core functions:

    • Import support for BMS maps and ISPF panels
    • A variety of export formats (for example Angular Controller, HTML forms or DTOs)
  • Understanding the legacy application plays a key role in ensuring the success of IT modernisation projects. Older applications often lack documentation. However, the truth about mapped processes and implemented functionality is hidden in the source code of the legacy application. ‘adesso transformer analyze’ can be used to retrieve this knowledge, making it possible to understand the code quickly and extract the essential essence of it.

    Core functions:

    • Parsing legacy code and structure definitions
    • Persistence of the parsing results in a central repository
    • Web frontend to evaluate online analyses
    • Export to various standard formats (a variety of XML dialects such as XMI and SVG, for example)
  • Legacy applications almost always have an extensive batch environment. ‘adesso transformer batch’ enables the logic of a JES-based batch system to be transported into and operated in a native Java environment.

    Core functions:

    • Native Java batch environment based on Spring Batch
    • Fully automated migration of JCL-based batches
    • RESTful management API to connect to a scheduler
    • Comprehensive set of alternatives for the IBM system utilities
  • Data is always a part of every application. It needs to be transferred from the original environment to the new environment. Migrating traditional formats as part of this poses a challenge (such as adapting data structures or binary fields). The ‘adesso transformer convert’ tool provides support with this.

    Core functions:

    • Audit-compliant file synchronisation via the network or in the local file system
    • Code page and format conversion
    • Configurable backup
  • ‘adesso transformer edit’ offers a flexible solution that can be used in various scenarios, be it as a dataset editor in the course of a migration project or as an archive solution. Designed as a web-based editor/viewer, it enables easy deployment in a modern infrastructure.

    Core functions:

    • Editing and viewing of traditional IBM dataset formats in the target system
    • COPYBOOKS support
    • EBCDIC and ASCII support
    • Multi-user capability
    • Data export
  • IBM zOS applications typically use traditional files in IBM dataset format. Tens of thousands of files quickly accumulate over the years, which then have to be transferred as part of an IT modernisation project. Each individual file needs to be compared to ensure that they are also identical in the new system. ‘adesso transformer test’ supports the entire test cycle in this process.

    Core functions:

    • Data extraction of the application data from the legacy and target systems
    • Comparison of the data and presentation of the results in graphical reports

Do you have any questions?

We will happily transform a small, representative application sample as part of a free feasibility check and develop a unique transformation project for you on this basis.
