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Java portals

Our portal solutions for your company’s success

Lightwight architecture

Efficient, secure and dynamic: Java and the Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) component model are the preferred choice for business software development. We keep your IT infrastructure fully up-to-date, whether by integrating old systems within new applications or by programming completely new software.

Complex, distributed systems can be operated without large and extensive application servers and frame technologies. Having said this, the systems still need to be durable. Ideally, the user should not notice any errors that may occur. adesso combines lightweight architecture with less-expensive overheads and offers a certain degree of flexibility regarding interfaces and simple delivery. We have RESTful interfaces, Docker, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Stack at our disposal.

Polyglot portal

Nowadays, portals are an integral component of distributed systems. Flexible company architecture and the ability to interchange technologies are crucial to your company’s success, as they enable you to rapidly adapt to changes in your company’s structure and meet new market requirements.

Current architecture approaches, such as microservices, should deliver what JEE portal servers promised users a few years ago, for instance in the field of modularisation.

We have the infrastructure you need for client-side integration, including both an application gateway (for example, Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul) and a central infrastructure for authentication (Spring Cloud Security or Keycloack from Red Hat).

There are no limitations regarding the GUI technology used, as it is selected on the self-contained system level. This is how we are able to integrate multiple languages into your portal.

Changing architecture

Emerging topics, such as the digital business model ‘Industry 4.0’ and the Internet of Things (IoT), present your company’s software architecture with new challenges. In addition to the classical challenges which have arisen in modern IT systems, companies now face new challenges, such as actuators, sensors or controlled systems.

These topics no longer constitute a specialist discipline. In fact, in addition to the increasing number of actuators and sensors, companies also need to engage with adaptive solutions for the growing volume of data and the area of autonomous steering.

We assist you by integrating more programming languages into your systems, making them more agile and a great deal more resilient. The microservices architecture approach and its technical implementation using Spring Cloud and NodeJS for the near-device systems form the perfect starting point to transform your IoT systems.

adesso blogs - our contributions from the Java environment

In our tech blog we take you on an exciting journey across the adesso world. Among other things, we report on technologies, methods, topics that move individual industries or our own experiences.

However, our experts do not only deal with technical topics in our IT blog - you can also find out what the perfect job application looks like or how adesso offers its employees a wide range of development opportunities.

To the blog articles


Software system migration often presents technical or organisational hurdles for companies. If the migration process fails, the company faces a fairly significant risk.

With the adesso transformer, we offer you a solution you can use to automatically transform legacy applications into modern application systems. The adesso transformer automatically translates code written in old programming languages, such as Cobol, into Java.

Continuous delivery and Docker

The concept of ‘infrastructure as code’ is an integral component of every company’s IT. A combination of technology, such as Continuous Integration (CI), test automation and continual installation, and agile methods allow you to develop high-quality software. In this respect, there is an ongoing trend towards virtualisation using Docker.

The term ‘continuous delivery’ combines various technologies, processes and tools which we use to substantially improve the software delivery processes in your company.


In the last ten to fifteen years, large transactional systems, such as inventory management, have mainly been developed using JEE platforms. There are many advantages to using the Java Enterprise Edition component model:

  • With the well-established and sophisticated Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) component model, JEE is a proven solution for implementing fail-proof and scalable systems.
  • You can draw on web services in compliance with the JAX-WS API to achieve a desired degree of interoperability between different system environments.
  • The Java Message Service provides you with a tried-and-tested solution for asynchronous processing.
  • We offer various different solutions for the development of browser-based applications, from the Java Standard Framework ‘Java Server Faces’ to numerous open-source solutions in the Java Community (such as Apache Wicket).
  • Rather than SWING applications, we use JavaFX to implement so-called fat client applications.

By combining the Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) component model approach with commercial open-source solutions, we offer you a system which is extremely robust, expandable and, to a large degree, future-proofed.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
