Use cases for Artificial Intelligence

A journey through areas of life and applications in which AI plays a growing role

Your customers have had enough of being placed on hold

An AI that knows how many people will call you next week

Customers are put in contact with customer service employees faster and resolve their queries more promptly. This results in higher satisfaction levels and reduces the likelihood that they will change providers. At the same time, work organisation supported by machine learning offers a more reliable basis to both employees and managers at call centres in terms of planning. This helps in holiday planning, for example, which can involve a lot of work.


Shopping is becoming a sensory experience

A system that makes retail a personal and immersive experience for all the senses

Online and offline retail are seamlessly connected with one another thanks to AI and augmented reality. Retailers are already aware of their customers’ requirements and wants when they enter the store. The experience as a whole and providing competent advice – instead of simply just presenting products – are the most important things in high-street stores. The meaningful application of the technology enables the shopping experience to be comprehensively tailored to the customer.


Artificial Intelligence meets real character

How AI is revolutionising our relationship with the car

Take a seat in the car and let your eye wander over the still-unfamiliar cockpit. Is there a control that is not immediately obvious as to what it does or a function you cannot find straight away? Just Ask Mercedes. Daimler is enhancing communication with additional digital channels, making leafing through operating instructions, handbooks or quick start guides a thing of the past. The ‘Ask Mercedes’ application ensures that every user gets their bearings in the vehicle quickly. The virtual assistant is activated by voice, using a smartphone keyboard or camera. A system comprising Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) running in the background then ensures that even a modern car with its numerous functions, possible configurations and assistance systems can be understood at the drop of a hat.


An AI at the information desk

BOTTO - the new service assistant for the Volks- and Raiffeisenbanken

The AI discipline of Machine Learning played a major role in the programming of BOTTO: The assistant was trained to "read" all documents, manuals and information available in the banking systems, to break them down into small semantic units and to independently create a keyword-based knowledge database from them. On this basis, BOTTO can automatically assign and process the requests of bank employees that come in via a web interface.


AI research at the front line

Research project "Artificial intelligence for secure web infrastructures with digital identity management”

Modern Web services are the basis and driver of the ongoing digitization of our society. They also serve as a trusted source and administrator of digital identities for millions of users. The misuse of these identities must be securely ruled out in order to avert damage to private users and economic players. AI-based detection methods for attacks against IT systems already exist. However, these usually focus on clearly defined characteristics. Attacks against web services, however, often do not only target an isolated technical level. They usually develop over time and leave traces at various points in the system, which must be evaluated holistically. This is where the research project "Artificial Intelligence for secure web infrastructures with digital identity management" (AIWI) comes in.


Our AI topics at a glance

Are you interested in other topics related to Artificial Intelligence? Here it is all about your AI activities and how you can achieve your goals with AI.

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