adesso emlpoyees

Electrification of forms does not equal digitalisation

Better digital insurance processes through digital design

Analogue processes are not necessarily good role models for digitalisation

Digitalisation is often misunderstood as the transfer of analogue models into the digital world. Well-functioning analogue processes, such as the joint completion of an insurance application by the broker and customer, can be digitalised as they stand. However, this electrification is no guarantee that the digital version will work as well or even better.

Process digitalisation is a design task

The first step in the development of innovative insurance processes must be to depart from the analogue model. These processes need to be rethought and redesigned in view of the possibilities of digitalisation (such as mobile devices, chatbots and AI).

‘Digital transformation is in full swing – take advantage of the associated impetus and synergies for your business. Digital designers help you to reduce the complexity of digitalisation projects. They shape digitalisation solutions based on their technological and creative expertise. Digital designers are just as vital to digitalisation projects as architects are to the building industry.’
Dr. Kim Lauenroth
Dr. Kim Lauenroth

What we can offer you

Do you have ideas for new digitalisation projects? Our digital design team is happy to support you from the very start in turning the possibilities of digitalisation into true innovations.

adesso is a pioneer in the realm of digital design and co-author of the Digital Design Manifesto. We assume the role of digital designer to help you create concepts for digitalisation solutions. In doing so, we develop and validate ideas based on your specific business goals.

A possible first step could be to hold a short design sprint workshop. This is where we make initial ideas more concrete together with you and work out possible digital solution approaches to create a basis for assessing the innovation potential.

Choose from our offers for digital design

1. The quick check will show you how digital design-ready your organisation is.
2. The design sprint makes your initial ideas tangible.
3. Various concept project formats help you to turn good ideas into viable concepts.
4. Our training and further education offer brings your own organisation up to speed on digital design methodologies.

Do you have questions?

We look forward to engaging in conversation with you.
