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Our custom-fit methodological competence for project implementation

Working together in the digital age

Since 1998, we have been providing insurance companies with support in projects ranging from small development contracts right through to major projects. The right experts with the right project qualifications guarantee that you will achieve the right results.

Be it in project management, in operational project business – through the provision of software programs or requirements engineering, for example – or through the use of targeted methods such as design thinking or the Interaction Room – adesso is your professional partner.


  • adesso is by your side during every step of the agile transformation of your company. We provide comprehensive support and consultation at the structural, process and cultural levels during the introduction of agile methods using a modular service catalogue:

    Our services

    • Agile Portfolio: Holistic support for the introduction of agility through a modular service catalogue.
      • Agile assessment, which includes services to determine the required maturity level and to determine the location in the agile transformation.
      • Agile Coaching, which includes services related to the teaching of agile ways of working (values, principles, techniques and frameworks) and the development of individuals and teams.
      • Agile Transition, which includes services related to the development of the company towards an "Agile Organisation".
      • Agile Training, which includes services to provide basic and in-depth knowledge on Agile topics.
      • Agile Experts, which includes the provision of experts for all roles within cross-functional teams.
      • Agile Team, which includes the provision of complete cross-functional teams to bring ideas to market quickly.
      • Agile Development, which includes services related to the introduction and support of agile software development.
      • Agile Contracting, which includes services to support contracting with partners in an agile environment.
      • Agile Infrastructure, which includes services to build, develop and operate a continuous delivery toolchain."
    • Agile Onboarding: providing basic agile knowledge and best practices of agile approaches to shape the entry into agile software development."
    • Agile Business Development: Using the speedboat approach, established companies have the opportunity to develop product innovations in a more agile and faster way in in-house "incubators".
  • We work together with you to develop the right methodology for your project. We don’t mind if it’s an agile approach or a waterfall model. We are not evangelists for the agile approach. Equally, we know that the waterfall model isn’t the only way of doing things. This is because we are convinced that every project really is different, so every project needs an individually tailored approach. Alongside our consultancy service, we at adesso also offer you the choice between two different project management methods, meaning you can pick the one best-suited to your needs.

    When it comes to process modelling, our consulting services range from the formulation of strategic objectives specific to BPM projects to the selection of tools for modelling.

  • The user – be it the end customer, agent or employee – expects software to function properly. An effective and efficient test management with expertise in insurance is a crucial factor for success in this context.

    We work together with you to develop a test strategy that matches your needs and your project.

    Our services

    • Test management
    • Preparing and carrying out tests
    • Test automation
    • Test data management
    • Selecting and implementing QA tools
    • Analysing and evaluating test processes according to established test standards
    • Agile tests
  • Specialist architectures and the management of them are key factors in successfully implementing IT projects. Complex specialist relationships must be presented accurately and consistently at different detail levels. Building on this, not only is the success of the implementation project determined by the IT architecture management, but the stable and reliable operation of applications is also ensured. The adesso technology radar [in german] provides optimal assistance in selecting the right programming languages, tools, platforms and development processes.

    Outside of traditional architectures, we also support you when it comes to the issues of cloud architecture and business intelligence (BI). A structured approach helps us to work together to develop a business case based on your specific framework conditions, and to provide you with consultation and support throughout the design, introduction and further development phases.

  • adesso provides you with comprehensive consultancy regarding strategic and operational process management. This includes analysing your strategic and operational concerns, planning design and carryover. Process automation – namely black-box processing – is a current focus. Process mining provides some assistance with this as it makes the implicit and otherwise hidden information contained in the data accessible in a form that can be analysed.

  • Even though software doesn’t alter in physical terms, the framework conditions governing its use may change or problems may occur during operation. These can only be solved by having the relevant project expertise to hand along with the corresponding software solution.

    adesso has years of experience in the maintenance and further development of applications, as well as in the support and operation of applications, platforms and infrastructure environments.

  • Our SmartShore approach provides colleagues who speak German and English and are partly deployed at your site or at our global SmartShore sites. Plus, our SmartShore projects are always implemented using a German infrastructure. The intelligent team mix guarantees that project teams quickly become operational. In accordance with the principle of agile software development, the project status can be measured and the project artefacts can be adjusted at any time.

    Our offering includes

    • Java development
    • mobile solutions
    • UX/UI developments
    • .net developments

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Operational project support

  • Our software engineers are familiar with the entire engineering process. In terms of our customer projects, this process includes the requirements analysis, the specialist and technical system draft, programming, quality assurance and commissioning. We feel at home in the Java and Microsoft environments and use a wide range of technologies and methods.

  • Requirements engineering is one of the key elements of the software development process. It serves as the basis for developing viable software architecture, ensuring a high level of user acceptance for the developed system and creating a systematic quality management process. From requirements documentation through to quality control, requirements engineering helps you develop software that impresses users, regardless of whether you rely on agile methods, the waterfall model or a different approach altogether.

    adesso provides you with access to a multitude of requirements engineers qualified for IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) who apply their expertise directly to your projects.

    Typical application scenarios that our experts handle include:

    • Evaluating your currently available processes and methods in the area of requirements engineering
    • Consulting you on planning your requirements engineering plan – including aspects such as the approach, method selection and documentation structure
    • Checking existing requirements documents
    • Designing requirements engineering training sessions for your employees
    • Digital Design
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  • Developing customised software systems that are tailored to meet your exact requirements is our core business. It is becoming increasingly more common for complex software systems to consist of a multitude of components and specialised software, such as for print, debt collection or disbursement. That’s why there is a particular focus on integrating the latest developments into a pre-existing application landscape and connecting heterogeneous application components to a fully integrated system.

    Our services

    • Analysing existing application landscapes with functional and qualitative requirements
    • Designing interfaces and exchange mechanisms
    • Developing interfaces, adapters, aggregators and transformers
  • Graphics, design and creation help to convey messages, awaken desires and longings and create ideas. With a strong concept, contents can be communicated clearly and transparently, focusing on the uniqueness of the company, brand or service. adesso supports you in the conceptual, creative and graphic design of any media format and for any channel. In doing so, we develop content for all media, i.e. every touch point of a customer journey - from letter/email via internet and social networks to customer portals and apps.

Project methods

  • Design thinking is a method for consistently developing innovative solutions such as products, services or processes from the users’ perspective.

    In this context, design thinking fulfils a wide range of important tasks. The method...

    • follows a clearly structured process,
    • always puts the needs of the user first and creates empathy,
    • works with time boxes and quickly builds the first concept prototypes,
    • tests the first concept prototypes early on, generally while they are still paper prototypes,
    • relies on interdisciplinary interaction and uses diverse expertise and perspectives to shine a light on really innovative solutions and
    • creates a seamless connection to the latter phases of the software development process.

    adesso supports you in the introduction, moderation and implementation of the process, trains your employees in the necessary procedures and supports both the prototyping and testing of ideas. You also benefit from our expertise in specialist and technical methods.

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  • The Interaction Room is a method to help us to stay on top of complex projects and focus on the important things.

    The Interaction Room isn’t a virtual construction, it’s a real, physical room that participants enter. It acts as an organised platform in which all those involved with a project can communicate. Inside the Interaction Room, an interdisciplinary team of specialists and IT experts works together under the direction of a moderator. Together, they hold votes on solutions regarding key topics and address questions surrounding their development project. The concept behind the Interaction Room is rooted in simple rules and visual representation.

    Schematic view of the Interaction Room

    We offer workshops that focus on Interaction Room methods to provide optimal support for your digitalisation projects throughout the various project phases and ensure their success.

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  • Customer experience leads to brand loyalty, profitability and growth. CEM's key tasks are to identify interested parties in the digital world, record their activities and analyze their behavior - and then use this data to reach them at every relevant touchpoint with exactly the right content. Whether successful campaigns for marketing and sales, inspiring websites or apps and portals and ecosystems with maximum customer value and customer loyalty - you too can benefit from our professional and technical expertise.

  • Customer Journey describes the individual phases a customer goes through before he or she decides to buy a product or service. This includes not only the direct points of interaction between customers and companies (advertisement, commercial, website, etc.), but also the indirect contact points where the opinion of third parties about a brand, a product or a service is gathered (rating portals, user forum, blog, etc.) An in-depth understanding of the entire customer journey is a basic prerequisite for a customer-oriented marketing and sales approach.

  • More than 90 percent of every consumer's purchasing decision is emotional. These and other findings from neurology and psychology form the basis for a unique marketing approach - neuromarketing. Neuromarketing is primarily concerned with the decision making process of the consumers as well as their conscious and subconscious perception of brand and product worlds.

    We have developed a neuromarketing toolbox for better customer experiences, which significantly improves the customer experience. By using limbic types, mirror neurons, codes, multi-sensors and implicit designs adesso helps you to perfectly align projects with the target group. Storytelling, priming and framing also play an important role.

adesso blogs

Our blog contributions from the banking sector

In blog and specialist articles, we classify current industry, digitalisation and technology trends for you.

Our press releases provide information about new projects, cooperations and products in the insurance sector.

To the blog articles

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics.

We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
