adesso claim business - people - technology


Expertise and strategy for the right solution

Specialist and technical norms of the insurance industry

BiPRO e. V. is a neutral organisation in the financial services industry in which insurance companies, sales partners and service providers have joined forces to optimise cross-company business processes. They work together in projects to develop specialist and technical standards.

BiPRO logo
adesso is an active member of the Brancheninstitut für Prozessoptimierung (BiPRO e. V.) [the German Industry Institute for Process Optimisation]

adesso has been a member of BiPRO since 2006. Not only do we actively participate in various committees and working groups, but we are also among the top BiPRO users. Thanks to our involvement in various projects over the last few years, we have been able to gain extensive experience in the planning, specification and realisation of TAA web services, among others.

We know BiPRO! Our focus is on the following business processes, among others

  • Authentication
  • Search
  • Transfer
  • Inventory and pricing
  • Offer
  • Application (TAA) and specific services

Selection of our testimonials

BiPRO@adesso: Solutions

Our strategy is based on the processes and standards of the R-Classic and R-Next (occupational medical insurance groups at BiPRO) world. It helps our customers with architecture analysis and aids them in the decision-making process.

Find out more about our solutions


BiPRO@adesso: Phase model

Our phase model includes a largely standardised procedure that covers analysis and coordination, test management and acceptance, all the way up to live operation. This model leads to the optimisation of internal, external and operational processes. It also includes coordination as well as connectivity – including a guide and partner management.

Find out more about our phase model


BiPRO@adesso: Expertise

We constantly expand our expertise by performing market analyses, and we integrate the findings from them into the further development of the adesso@BiPRO process model. We offer our expertise in specialist and development workshops, which are based on inventory analyses of the respective customer landscapes.

Find out more about our expertise


Your added value with adesso

  • Security – adesso offers clear and central overall responsibility.
  • Efficiency and pragmatism – adesso’s physical proximity enables short project paths - even at short notice.
  • Flexibility – Flexible access to domain experts in the adesso Group. The range of services within the adesso Group offers the necessary flexibility for every project situation for reacting to changing requirements.
  • Business success – adesso understands the industry and aids customers in the implementation and maintenance of BiPRO standards.
  • A knowledgeable BiPRO partner – adesso has been an active member of the Industry Institute for Process Optimisation (BiPRO) since 2006 and has extensive experience in the planning, specification and launching of web services in compliance with the BiPRO standard.
  • Project accelerator – adesso supports your BiPRO implementation with the help of a defined process and ready-made BiPRO tool suite modules.

Do you have any questions?

Find out how we can support you in these matters. Feel free to contact me.
