BiPro Illustration


Requirements and tool suite

The right solution for your BiPRO project

Based on our targeted phase model, we support the implementation of BiPRO standards with a BiPRO tool suite that meets the following requirements.


  • BiPRO specifications are implemented in compliance with standards (including error handling and reports)
  • Several BiPRO versions run in parallel
  • Established technology makes it easy to integrate into the customer’s infrastructure


  • adesso accelerates the implementation of BiPRO standards with the help of selected libraries
  • The implementation of standards is simplified
  • Open source enables adjustments without dependence on releases


  • Lightweight architecture with short development cycles
  • Freedom to choose the technology used for connecting to customer systems
  • Possibility to use the library in proprietary systems


  • Overall system consists of lightweight components that can be individually scaled
  • Components can be operated as a microservice in the cloud

BiPRO tool suite

BiPRO implementation support aided by a defined process and ready-made modules.

BiPRO Toolsuite

Do you have any questions?

Find out how we can support you in these matters. Feel free to contact me.
