Innovative portal solution

occupational pension scheme and occupational health insurance sector

Improve your company’s image with attractive additional benefits and digital services

Additional benefits are becoming increasingly important in view of the constantly changing working environment and the increasing demands of employees on their employers. For this reason, if companies offer an innovative portal solution, it could be considered a decisive factor in helping them retain employees and attract qualified professionals.

With our digital platform, we offer an extremely powerful tool – one that supports companies of all kinds, regardless of whether an insurance company or a regular employer, in efficiently optimising the administration and communication of occupational pension schemes and occupational health insurance.

Companies can gain valuable time and resources by reducing the administrative burden so they can then focus on their core business. The portal solution also provides employees with intuitive 24/7 access to information, documents and services.

Integrative solution approach for companies

Companies face several challenges in selecting and managing benefits for employees. These include a wide variety of offerings for the occupational pension scheme and occupational health insurance sector, complex tax and legal regulations as well as a possible integration of all employee offerings into existing HR systems. It is only possible to exchange and synchronise data efficiently when the interfaces to personnel and payroll systems have been implemented. This is naturally done in compliance with the compliance guidelines. In this manner, the administration of occupational pension schemes and occupational health insurance is seamlessly integrated into the existing company processes.

A scalable portal solution enables an increase in administrative efficiency, increases transparency, is flexible and ensures that it is user-friendly and secure to use.
Jan Binczyk | Consultant

But interfaces can be used to connect third-party companies to our digital platform. Ideally, an ecosystem with employers, employees, insurance companies including their sales partners and other benefit partners emerges.

There are benefits for everyone directly involved in the occupational pension and occupational health insurance

All direct stakeholders gain added value in an ecosystem for the occupational pension scheme and occupational health insurance sector: the insurance companies, employers and employees in particular benefit from the portal solution.

Insurance companies/pension providers:

  • Process optimisation along the entire value chain
  • Reduction of administrative activities and administrative costs (ratio)
  • Competitive advantage through an innovative portal solution
  • Increase in up- and cross-selling
  • Increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty


  • Process optimisation along the entire value chain
  • Reduction of administrative activities and administrative costs (ratio)
  • Increased attractiveness as an employer
  • Possibility of adding further benefit partners
  • Scalability of employee offerings


  • Intuitive 24/7 access to all information, services and agreed benefits
  • Comprehensive overview of all the insurance company’s or employer’s offerings
  • If desired, choice of service packages to meet individual needs
  • Efficient communication and cooperation with all stakeholders

What we offer

We offer a tailor-made concept for the administration of your occupational pension scheme and occupational health insurance offerings due to the current developments in the growth market of supplementary occupational pension. This ensures that employees can easily access your pension benefit offerings, that you can manage them efficiently with simplified processes and that your company is perceived as an attractive employer.

Our experienced consultants support you with a tried and tested procedure model. We will present the possibilities of our portal solution including mobile implementation in an initial meeting. We will discuss your expectations, work out your goals and define the target image you are aiming for – together with you. We will then draw up a tailor-made offer for you, including a step-by-step plan tailored to your (company’s) goals.

Get in touch now

Do you have any questions?

No website and no brochure can replace a personal conversation about your goals and your issues.

We look forward to talking with you.