Agile Shadowing by adesso

Scrum Master training

Shortages in the agile world

Why Scrum Masters are becoming difficult to find in IT for insurance providers

In the midst of rapid digitalisation, insurance companies are facing an acute shortage of skilled workers, especially when it comes Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches – both of which are pivotal in the transformation process.

Companies are trying to counteract this problem by retraining potential Scrum Masters or offering them courses so they can fill these vital roles. But this is easier said than done:

  • The content often takes too long to work through and is too focussed on theory for it to be useful in actual day-to-day business.
  • The details are not as easy to convey in theory as they are in practice.
  • This ends up with Scrum Masters quickly becoming overwhelmed, causing transformation projects to slow down considerably as a result – or, in the worst case, regress.

So how can insurance providers get their Scrum Masters up to speed as quickly as possible without sacrificing the knowledge they need?

Agile Shadowing by adesso is the sure-fire way to effective Scrum Mastering in record time

adesso has recognised the urgent need to address this problem and is tackling it with its new programme, Agile Shadowing by adesso. The concept is divided into three phases: mentoring, consulting and coaching.

Three-Phase Model

1. Mentoring

At the beginning, our coaches are the first contact persons for the team. They moderate, train the methodology and live the role of the Scrum Master. The coachees support wherever possible, observe and learn.

2. Consulting

The coachees take on the role of the SM in the team and are accompanied by the coaches at the same time. The coaches advise the coachees in their work and point out potential for improvement.

3. Coaching

The coachees take over the team completely and the coaches slowly withdraw from the active role but remain available and move into the shadow role.

The three-phase model of Agile Shadowing accelerates the learning curve for the coachee, in turn enabling our customers to fulfil the requirements of their agile transformation even faster.

Agile shadowing has a strong focus on:

  • Developing the coachees for the long term with the aim of the skills and knowledge they acquire remaining in the customer’s organisation
  • Strengthening self-organisation and interdisciplinary cooperation
  • Strengthening the team’s skills and promoting continuous development using proven methods and practices
  • Maintaining the stability of functioning teams and ensuring the consistent application of methodologies to sustainably and continuously implement change
  • Anchoring a deeper understanding of agile methods and the agile framework

Agile Shadowing by adesso therefore offers both a quick way to bridge any gaps in the qualifications held by staff within the customer’s organisation, and the framework to fully empower their Scrum Masters through learning by doing.

‘Being able to see an experienced Scrum Master in action was incredibly valuable for me. Agile Shadowing by adesso has given me a safe environment to test and improve my skills in and put theory into practice.’

Sebastian Geißinger I Scrum Master Insurance

What we offer

adesso is your professional partner for creating a tailor-made shadowing concept for your Scrum Masters.

  • We work with you to determine the status quo of your agile transformation in terms of the key positions of Scrum Master/Agile Coach and create a roadmap for your needs together.
  • Our experienced coaches accompany your motivated, aspiring Scrum Masters on their journey using the individually customisable shadowing model to meet the requirements needed to be an agile transformer.
  • After phase 3, your graduates will have the opportunity to become part of our Agile Shadowing Community and gain access to even more information and peer-to-peer learning. They can also get involved as coaches themselves.

Do you have any questions?

We look forward to your enquiry.

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