adessi at whiteboard

Digitisation strategy

Advice and support from A to Z

With adesso to digitalised production

The digitalisation of production and the development towards a smart factory is one of the main challenges and at the same time an opportunity for companies to secure or even further expand their own competitiveness.

The basis for this is a clearly defined, company-wide strategy and a uniform understanding of digital production. Therefore, as part of our digitalisation consulting, we support you along the entire value chain with an eye for subsequent implementation with the following activities:

  • Creation of business cases and ROI calculations.
  • Carrying out potential analyses and digital roadmaps
  • Creation of a company-wide vision as well as mission statements and digitisation strategies
  • Advising the interface between business, digitalisation and IT
  • Cross-departmental and -specific process analysis and optimisation through automation
  • Technology consulting

Based on these findings, you can digitalise your production with us and tackle the numerous challenges in production.

Digital Production - With End-to-End Information Flows and Intelligent Algorithms to the Next Level of Productivity

No matter what challenges or problems your company is facing, adesso is your competent partner. Our experts develop the right solution for your individual situation.

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No website and no brochure can replace a personal conversation about your goals and your issues. We look forward to an appointment with you on site.
