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The Essence of Software Engineering

Das Buch zur Konferenz

Der Konferenzband ist im Springer-Verlag erschienen und online kostenfrei erhältlich!

The Essence of Software Engineering

Software ist in immer mehr Branchen der Schlüssel zu effektiven Geschäftsprozessen. Deshalb ist Software Engineering in modernen Gesellschaften bereits eine wichtige Schlüsselkompetenz. Softwareprozesse werden immer zuverlässiger und effektiver, sind aber aufgrund ihrer Natur ganz anders als Produktionsprozesse.

In dem Geist, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse mit den Lösungskonzepten aus der Praxis der Softwareentwicklung zusammenzuführen, wurde vor 20 Jahren adesso gegründet. In dieser Zeit durften wir engen Kontakt zu den international bekannten Lehrstühlen und Forschungseinrichtungen des Software Engineering pflegen und aus diesem Austausch profitieren. Umgekehrt hat adesso in den vergangenen 20 Jahren neben der Auftragssoftwareentwicklung immer auch an Forschungsprojekten teilgenommen, um die Erfahrungen aus der Praxis in den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisprozess einzubringen.

Der im Springer-Verlag erschienene Band „The Essence of Software Engineering“ soll daher nicht nur einige Schlaglichter auf den Status Quo des Software Engineerings werfen, sondern auch hier und da einen Blick in die Zukunft wagen. Das Buch ist ab sofort im Handel erhältlich und auch hier online kostenfrei verfügbar.

Einige der Autoren haben uns zu unserem Jubiläum die Freude gemacht, auf unserer internationalen Konferenz „The Essence of Software Engineering“ vorzutragen, die am 16. November 2017 im UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Zeche Zollverein in Essen mit über 200 Teilnehmern stattfand.

Foto des Buchs The Essence of Software Engineering


Unsere Mitschnitte der einzelnen Vorträge geben Ihnen die Möglichkeit, nochmals einen Blick auf Gegenwart und Zukunft des Software Engineering zu werden. Alle Videos finden Sie auf unserem YOUTUBE-KANAL.



    Every day, we see more examples in the media of discrimination in software. Evidence of software discrimination has been found in modern software systems that recommend criminal sentences, grant access to financial products, and determine who is allowed to participate in promotions. This talk defines software fairness and discrimination and develops a testing-based method for measuring if and how much software discriminates, focusing on causality in discriminatory behavior. Our approach, Themis, automatically generates efficient test suites to measure discrimination. A key observation is that measuring discrimination requires causal reasoning. Themis uses a new kind of testing -- causal testing -- to measure causal relationships between sensitive inputs and software behavior. That is, Themis can tell if a specific sensitive input is responsible for a particular software behavior. This enables Themis to test for types of bias that better capture our intuitive notion of undesirable discrimination in software. Evaluating Themis on open-source machine learning systems finds that Themis is effective at discovering software discrimination, state-of-the-art techniques for removing discrimination from algorithms fail in many situations, and Themis optimizations are effective at producing efficient test suites for measuring discrimination. The talk will argue that discrimination testing is a critical aspect of the software development cycle in domains with possible discrimination and describe initial tools for measuring software discrimination.

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    Yuriy Brun is an Associate Professor with the College of Information and Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His research interests include software engineering, self-adaptive systems, distributed systems, and software fairness. He received his PhD from the University of Southern California in 2008 under the supervision of Nenad Medvidovic and he was a Computing Innovation postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington until 2012 under the supervision of David Notkin. Prof. Brun is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2015, the IEEE TCSC Young Achiever in Scalable Computing Award in 2013, a Best Paper Award in 2017, two ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards in 2011 and 2017, a Microsoft Research Software Engineering Innovation Foundation Award in 2014, a Google Faculty Research Award in 2015, a Lilly Fellowship for Teaching Excellence in 2017, a College Outstanding Teacher Award in 2017, and an ICSE 2015 Distinguished Reviewer Award.

    Foto von einem Mitarbeiter

    Dr. Ivar Jacobson will revisit the history of methods with method wars and fashionable method frameworks. He will explain why we need to break out of our repetitive dysfunctional behaviour, and introduce Essence: a new way of thinking that promises to free the practices from the methods and enable true learning organisations. Free the practices so that teams can experiment, innovate and plug and play with proven practices to create their own way-of-working that they need today and seamlessly evolve into the one they need tomorrow.

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    Dr. Ivar Jacobson is a father of Software Engineering with contributions such as component architecture, use cases, Unified Modelling Language and Rational Unified Process. Since 2005 he has been working on how to deal with methods and tools in a smart, superlight and agile way, resulting in the Essence standard kernel and language. He is the principal author of seven influential and bestselling books.

    Foto Ivar Jacobson

    Blockchains introduce a set of key characteristics revolving around decentralized control and trustless interactions. These make them transformative for the next generation of business applications. A “blockchain-aware” software architecture must not compromise but fully align with these characteristics. Ensuring this, however, is far from being trivial. This talk explores important architectural needs when engineering blockchain-based systems – focusing on off-chaining data and computation – and discusses ways to approach them.

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    Stefan Tai is a Professor and Head of Chair Information Systems Engineering at TU Berlin. Previously, he was a Professor at KIT and Director at FZI in Karlsruhe, Germany, and a Research Staff Member at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center in New York, USA. Stefan Tai has more than 20 years of experience in industry and academic research in the areas of distributed systems, information systems, and software service engineering. He is passionate about modern distributed systems technologies and their practical applications to address grand business and societal challenges.

    Foto of Stefan Tai

    Software process models are in a shambles. At one end, CMMI and such help assess adherence to codified management rules but impose bureaucratic strangleholds on projects and programmers. At the other, agile methods rehabilitate the importance of code but do little to promote adoption of modern approaches to software quality. Variants abound, such as the spiral model, but they are subject to endless interpretations. Sooner or later model fatigue sets in and teams start doing whatever suits their needs, filling the forms, if necessary, to placate authorities but not gaining much from the theoretical models. This situation is unhealthy since a serious engineering approach needs to rely on a widely accepted process model that fosters that is precise enough to help teams achieve defined goals and flexible enough to let each project adapt to its specific circumstances. It is time for a fresh approach. The new ‘All-In-One’ process model presented in this talk, starting from the author’s earlier work on seamless development, the Eiffel method and language, the Single Product Principle and the Cluster lifecycle model, includes a comprehensive set of techniques from the forefront of software engineering advances into a single framework.


    Bertrand Meyer is Professor of Software Engineering at ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, research professor at Innopolis University (Kazan, Russia) and Chief Architect of Eiffel Software (based in California). Bertrand Meyer is the author of a number of books in software engineering, most recently an unbiased tutorial and critical analysis of agile methods, ‘Agile! The Good, the Hype and the Ugly’ (Springer).

    Foto Bertrand Meyer

    For large distributed partly embedded software systems, a design concept is presented supporting composition, parallelism, and concurrency and finally real time but keeping all of advantages of object-oriented programming. The approach to model, specify and implement systems provides an execution model which is parallel and concurrent in nature and supports real time and composition leading to a system engineering style structuring software systems in terms of functional features, quality attributes, and contracts.


    Manfred Broy served as the Founding Dean of the Department of Mathematics and Information Systems at the University of Passau in 1983, and as the Founding Dean of the Department of Informatics at the Technische Universität München in 1992, where he had been holding the Chair of Software & Systems Engineering since 1989. The research groups under his direction addressed the application of techniques derived from mathematics to software and systems engineering. Broy founded the ‘fortiss’ research institute, and currently serves as the Founding President of the Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern.

    Foto Manfred Broy

    Change makes software different from any other artifact. Although this is known since the 1970s, change is still often handled in an ad-hoc manner. Agile development and, more recently, DevOps have been proposed as a solution, and success stories are reported from industry. Still, principled and rigorous foundations that can be taught, practiced, and systematically replicated are lacking. We distinguish between evolution and adaptation and discuss how software can be made self-adaptive, and how it can cooperate with humans ‘in-the-loop’ to support change. We outline a roadmap of future work needed to progress in tool support and automation to lead to dependable adaptation and evolution.


    Carlo Ghezzi is an ACM Fellow (1999), an IEEE Fellow (2005), a member of the European Academy of Sciences and of the Italian Academy of Sciences. He received the ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award (2015) and the Distinguished Service Award (2006). He has been President of Informatics Europe. He has been a member of the program committee of flagship conferences in the software engineering field, such as the ICSE and ESEC/FSE, for which he also served as Program and General Chair. Ghezzi’s research has been mostly focused on different aspects of software engineering. He co-authored over 200 papers and eight books. He coordinated several national and international research projects. He has been the recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant.

    Foto Carlo Ghezzi

Bildnachweis © Jochen Tack / Stiftung Zollverein

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