User-friendly platform for private investors provides a user-friendly, app-based platform that makes it easy for private investors to open accounts and engage in trading. Two securities accounts are automatically set up for customers as part of the account opening process. The clearing account is covered by the statutory deposit protection. More than 10,000 securities across the equities, ETPs and mini futures asset classes can be traded free of charge on the private investor exchange Tradegate Exchange. The service is complemented by collaboration with Avaloq and BNP Paribas, with Avaloq operating the core banking system and BNP Paribas being responsible for the clearing, settlement and custody of all securities transactions.
Powerful, future-proof technology as the basis
The adesso team, with its experts in backend, web, iOS and Android development, employs state-of-the-art technology for the entire tradegate.direkt ecosystem. The Angular web front end and the two native apps for iOS and Android are all supplied via a microservice-based back end. The entire IT architecture is built on Kubernetes containers in the AWS cloud, allowing services to be scaled and monitored dynamically. The combination of .NET Core, Kafka, SQL Server and Elasticsearch makes it possible to carry out business processes in real time. To avoid overburdening the connected core banking system at peak times, the architecture also allows for resource-saving operations in the background.