Focusing on the customer

Customer view vs. company view of customer centricity

How customer centricity becomes a competitive advantage

In today's competitive environment, companies that consistently focus on the needs of their customers have a decisive advantage. But how good are companies really at meeting the requirements of their target groups? And how can they fully utilise the potential that lies in a stronger customer focus?

In collaboration with statista, we have surveyed both the company and customer perspective on the topic of customer centricity. In an infographic, we summarise key findings and illustrate how companies differ from customers in their perspectives. This reveals that customers' expectations are usually significantly higher than the actual development of companies. For more ‘aha’ moments and recommendations for action, click here to download directly.

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Personalisation sells better

Personalisation: What customers miss

Our latest study shows where companies stand when it comes to customer centricity and how data-driven strategies and artificial intelligence (AI) can unleash untapped potential.

Companies have some catching up to do when it comes to (hyper)personalisation, for example. While only a third of respondents attach importance to addressing their customers in a customised way, two thirds would like to do so and even state that they are more loyal to a brand as a result. In the long term, this means more sales for a company if it fulfils customer expectations and can make the exact offers that the customer wants at that moment based on the data collected.

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What is hyper-personalisation?

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data make it possible to understand customers even better and provide them with precisely tailored offers. In contrast to traditional personalisation based on basic customer data (name, gender, purchase history), hyper-personalisation incorporates a broader range of real-time data and behavioural information to create extremely personalised and individually relevant experiences.

Read the infographic and recognise the need for action

The findings of the infographic are based on data from the current adesso Customer Centricity Study, in which 250 decision-makers from German companies were surveyed, as well as on surveys that capture the customer perspective. By comparing the different perspectives, you receive valuable impulses to improve your customer centricity strategy.

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Customer centricity is a must!

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