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Address your customers in a targeted way – personalised and across channels

The pace for the digitalisation of a company’s relationships with its customers is mainly set by its sales and marketing divisions

Use marketing automation and customer engagement to reach your customers with personalised offers across multiple channels. Get to know your target groups better and create unique experiences along the entire customer journey. There are three essential aspects here:

  • Actively shaping all relationships with customers (customer experience and relationship management)
  • A digital workplace for marketing and sales
  • Transparent knowledge about your own customers and about your company’s own performance

Customer Experience Management (CEM) aims to achieve complete consistency in the interaction with customers across all customer touchpoints. To achieve this, CEM takes a holistic view of the lifecycle of your customers across all channels.

Digital customers have already gone through 50 to 90 per cent of the buying process when they first contact your company as a provider. This means that effective CEM needs to be in place in the initial phases of the customer journey because awareness of a product is awakened early on at this stage. Interest in the product increases and the first desire to buy emerges.

Four points important for reaching, addressing and winning over customers

#1 Attract customers with relevant content

The concept of inbound marketing does not depend on company size or market structure. It is of interest to all decision-makers who have realised that classic CRM has reached its limits and is impossible to avoid if you are keen to rethink your communication and sales work and use synergies between marketing and sales.

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#2 Get to know your customers

If you want to reach people, you need to know what moves them. Successful communication can be reduced to this simple formula. Addressing customers individually – for example, by personalising content – is the essence of good customer experience.

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#3 Account-based marketing (ABM)

Account-based marketing has the potential to become one of the most important standards in B2B marketing. No other marketing approach – in close cooperation with sales – takes into account the customer experience of individual customers as much as account-based marketing.

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#4 Lead generation with external data

Generating your own new leads with new and existing customers always entails the same challenge: When starting from scratch, how can you establish contacts with decision-makers and generate specific opportunities for discussion?

An effective answer to this is to integrate high-quality, external company data directly into the CRM system and to make it available universally. The response rate for direct customer approaches can be significantly increased by having the right background information about a customer and the probability of success is significantly higher if the contact you have with your customers is then based on a personal relationship.

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Blog post: Get started with a digital marketing strategy in seven steps

No strategy, no success – this also applies to digital marketing. But what is the right way for a given company? Where does a company reach its customers in the digital world – and through which channels? This is where a digital marketing strategy comes into play. In this blog post, I explain how companies can make their marketing efforts easier, more efficient, more present and more successful with the right digital marketing strategy.

Read the blog post

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