Many companies use applications that are essential for their business processes but were developed using technologies that no longer meet the current standard. Moreover, these applications have often grown over the decades and become disproportionately complex to use. As a result, these systems demand a great deal of effort and expenditure to maintain and continue developing. In some cases, the company no longer has the expertise needed to perform these tasks at its disposal, or if it does, it is only to a limited extent. All these can be drivers for the need to modernise the application.

Hybrid modernisation
Our clever mix that ticks all the boxes
Altsysteme bremsen den digitalen Wandel!
We offer efficient modernisation for outdated applications and complex systems

We offer a full range of consultancy services and solutions. We work together with you to develop the right modernisation strategy for your company based on your initial situation and goals. A combination of
- code transformation,
- replatforming,
- replace (using standard software) and
- reengineering
adapted to your framework forms the building blocks for the modernisation mix that is most suitable for you.
adessp is your expert partner
Our experience shows that one modernisation option alone rarely ticks all the boxes needed to make a modernisation project a success. With our hybrid modernisation concept, the mix of options optimally balances the criteria of project duration, risk, technical debt and costs to create a strategy that fits the requirements of your project.
In addition to the optimal strategy, you also have the option of choosing between different process models. This includes, for example, a step-by-step or a big-bang migration as well as a zero-downtime process – that is, a process that happens during live operation. While big bang means a complete migration, the migration process is divided into individual stages in a step-by-step migration. The choices you make to modernise your applications are used as the foundation to develop your optimal migration scenario. We work together with you to develop a migration plan and, should it be necessary, carry out economic feasibility studies.
Do you have any questions?
We will happily transform a small, representative application sample as part of a free feasibility check and develop a unique transformation project for you on this basis.
Business Unit Lead Director Thomas Loerzer +4923170007000