Private health insurers and statutory health insurance funds must position themselves as healthcare partners, approach policyholders directly and present customised offers. Insured persons have become more active and want to help shape their treatment, for example (TI-Atlas Gematik from 2022). To do this, they need targeted support. In most cases, however, insurers lack the necessary overview of and access to existing data on insured persons. There is also a lack of technical options for sending personalised and digital offers.
In the past, processes were often developed from a system perspective. The focus was not on the user (regardless of whether they were an employee or an insured person). In contrast, user-centricity is already at the forefront of today's app development - this allows different needs to be better taken into account and processes to be optimally designed.
Customer journeys that are viewed from the end customer's perspective have an impact on internal processes. For example, policyholders today expect fast and transparent regulation and regulatory commitments. This can be made possible through more automation and improved interoperability of internal processes. Open interfaces also enable the integration of rehabilitation or prevention apps - services that are usually only available via a web portal today.