adessi talking

More than just an employer

Using occupational health insurance to offer added value for employees

Improving a company’s attractiveness on the labour market and counteracting the shortage of skilled workers

A battle for qualified skilled workers has erupted in the labour market: according to the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit), Germany will be looking for 800,000 skilled workers in future. Employers are focusing more and more on benefits in order to both retain their skilled workers in the long term and position themselves as an attractive employers for new experts. A relevant aspect for many employees when considering employers is occupational health insurance (OHI).

The number of companies offering OHI increased by 355 per cent between 2015 and 2021. In the same period, the number of employees who took out an OHI policy increased by 179 per cent (source: PKV Statistik 20-2015_2021).

What exactly is occupational health insurance (OHI)?

OHI is supplementary health insurance in the form of group insurance. The employer concludes a group contract with a private health insurance company for its employees. Having group insurance makes the premiums cheaper than those of a traditional supplementary insurance, which is usually concluded as individual insurance. OHI is either employer-financed (compulsory OHI) or employee-financed (optional OHI).

OHI will shape the private health insurance business in the coming years. The pioneers who are able to automate their processes right now will benefit from it greatly.
Jan-Philipp Bincyk, Consultant at adesso
Jan-Philipp Bincyk, Consultant at adesso

The added values of OHI

OHI doesn’t just offer added values for insurers, but for policyholders and their employers, too. The most important added values include:


  • New sales opportunity by offering group contracts
  • Increase in acquisition potential by insuring dependants
  • Potentially higher degree of automation


  • Sensible supplement to statutory and private health care
  • No health checks, waiting periods or benefit exclusions
  • Coverage of pre-existing conditions and even ongoing or planned treatments


  • Selling point for employee recruitment and retention
  • Contribution can be claimed against tax
  • Improved employee benefits reduce absences

OHI opens up new sales channels for private health insurance companies

A lot of employees have OHI due to the comparatively favourable conditions of the policies and the fact that it’s financed by the employer. What’s more, OHI can also be offered to relatives. This opens up cross-selling and up-selling opportunities for private health insurance companies, which then creates new sales channels and acquisition potential for them.

Dark processing – the key to profitable OHI

OHI rates are offered under particularly favourable conditions. In order for these rates to be profitable for private health insurance companies, a high degree of automated processing is necessary.

Core elements for automation

Core elements for automation

Our approach

In our initial exchange, we’ll introduce you to the possibilities associated with occupational health insurance. We will then analyse the actual processes and define the target vision for introducing OHI. We then formulate your requirements and projected process optimisations and make a plan for implementing the OHI in your IT system. adesso provides healthcare experts who specialise in OHI to aid in this process.

Our expertise

  • Dedicated insurance team with experienced employees from the IT sector
  • Profound knowledge of OHI portfolio systems and processes
  • Extensive expertise in introducing and implementing OHI

What we offer

We use our tried and tested procedure model to show you the adjustments you need to make to your IT systems and processes based on the current developments in the field of OHI. The goal is to automate processing to the greatest possible extent in order to turn it into as much of a dark process as possible. We work with you in a two-day workshop to develop a catalogue of requirements that also includes your prioritisations. As a result, you’ll receive concrete recommendations for action and an implementation plan to optimally prepare your IT applications for the introduction of OHI.

We look forward to your enquiry.

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