The performance of sportsmen and women is the top priority for every club or association. The core business of sport takes place in stadiums, sports halls, tracks or similar venues. adesso’s digital solutions help the team behind the athletes create the best possible conditions. At the same time, we also occupy the space between sports organisations and service providers in order to implement individual solutions and smoothly integrate new products into existing ecosystems.

We provide the right digital solutions behind the scenes
Cut a good figure off the court too
adesso blogs - Our blog articles about sports
We take you on an exciting journey through the world of sports and report on technologies, methods and topics that move the sports industry:
- Press release: Handball on the Web: DHB and adesso launch digital campaign
Do you have any questions?
Your company is facing similar challenges or you have specific questions about our portfolio or approach. Please contact me.
Head of the Line of Business Sports Oliver Kowalke +49 231 7000-7000