Employee during a presentation


We support you through the digital transformation

One to zero for your business

Whether it’s media, events, sales, marketing or service – business involving sport is becoming ever larger and more digital. We support your organisation’s digital transformation every step of the way by delivering IT systems and providing our own industry expertise. Our experts help you with B2C-focused projects (commerce, ticketing, merchandise, membership management, training, etc.) as well as B2B topics (such as sponsoring, VIP ticketing/hospitality, media).

Digital strategy

  • Development of a strategy for end-to-end development of state-of-the-art platforms and for tapping into new digital sources of income.
  • Independent potential analyses for new technologies such as NFT, blockchain and metaverse, individually focused on your organisation’s requirements
  • Development of a UX design concept for all digital platforms to standardise the visual fan experience.


  • Digital ticketing, real-time connection of data from third-party (ticketing) service providers to your own ecosystem


  • Digitally transform shopping experiences to optimise service and increase sales

Communication and entertainment

  • Development of digital worlds for sports fans to foster loyalty and collect data

Stadium and infrastructure

Sponsorship and B2B sales

CRM and online marketing

  • Platform for influencer marketing

adesso blogs - Our blog articles about sports

We take you on an exciting journey through the world of sports and report on technologies, methods and topics that move the sports industry:

Do you have any questions?

Your company is facing similar challenges or you have specific questions about our portfolio or approach. Please contact me.
