Development of a sports data hub

Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA

adesso develops solution for optimal data utilisation

BVB uses data-driven performance monitoring


Success in modern competitive sport is now heavily dependent on data-driven decisions. The large amount of performance data collected is a challenge. Silos often make meaningful utilisation difficult - variable links for flexible and target group-specific analysis are missing.


BVB has implemented a sports data hub together with adesso. This comprises a data lake with a data warehouse connection and a visualisation layer for player and scouting-related data. As a result, all relevant data is centralised, analysed and made available to various stakeholders at the club in real time.


The implemented solution enables BVB to make data-based decisions in all areas of the sport. From load management to scouting and squad management, important insights are generated that have a significant impact on the club's success. The monitoring dashboards enable accelerated work and deeper insights into player performance.

Customer benefits

  • 1. increased efficiency:
    Automating manual steps creates more time for core activities.
  • 2. objective basis for decision-making:
    Data-based insights enrich the assessments of decision-makers in the sports sector and enable innovative, data-driven performance monitoring, scouting and squad management.
  • 3. flexibility and real-time analysis:
    Central data management enables flexible and target group-specific analyses almost in real time.
  • 4. future-proofing:
    The implementation of a Sports Data Hub ensures that BVB is prepared for upcoming challenges in the area of sports performance.

Thanks to the implemented solution, BVB is able to make data-based decisions in all areas of the sport. From load management to scouting and squad management, important insights are generated that have a significant impact on the club's success. The monitoring dashboards enable accelerated work and deeper insights into player performance.
Patrick Heiermann | IT Project Manager | Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA

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