Notebook with open instant lottery page

Virtual instant tickets

Tap into new customer groups with virtual instant lotteries

Unlimited fun - within legal boundaries

Good old scratch cards can be a very exciting prospect online – for your customers as well as for you as a provider. Products based on innovative technologies and which provide a fantastic gaming experience are cropping up all over the place: From cyber football matches through to thrilling roller coaster rides, a great deal is possible. The goal is not to achieve a high playing rate, but rather to pique the interest of new customer groups who are now virtually unreachable through classic lottery products. However, doing so is not all that easy. Legal framework conditions often set narrow boundaries. These need to be carefully addressed, and instant lotteries need to be developed that are held to the principle of responsible gaming – but which are still fun. Our experts take this topic very seriously.

This also involves a further challenge: Smaller lottery companies with limited sales regions in particular often fail to reach the critical mass for offering appealing main prizes – or the lotteries drag on for too long, and the fun goes away. Partial jackpots with physical tickets help solve this dilemma; tickets offered online are adapted to the conditions of the Internet. Our in|FOCUS platform is prepared for just that, and can handle lottery management systems for all relevant manufacturers.

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