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Redeveloped lottery ticket system

Sächsische Lotto-GmbH


Due to the adjustments made to the Eurojackpot gaming formula and the addition of a second drawing day, the Sächsische Lotto-GmbH had to revise their physical tickets and wanted to improve the usability of the tickets in the process.

adesso worked with these lottery companies to develop a brand new ticket system with the help of design thinking workshops, prototyping, interviews, usability tests and statistical use behaviour evaluations.


The redeveloped lottery ticket system allows Sächsische Lotto-GmbH to offer the player significantly improved usability, as they are guided and supported in a comprehensible way as they fill out their tickets. This redeveloped system simplifies the process for selecting a product and uses an appealing, modern design to appeal to new customer groups.

Augustus the Strong is the reason that a state lottery company has existed in Saxony since 1713. The Sachsenlotto (Saxony State Lottery) as it appears today was created in October 1990 in the lottery district administrations of Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig, Germany. Since then, this state-commissioned lottery company has ensured that a responsible range of lotteries are available in Saxony.

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