Interaction Room: Digital Sustainability Management

Open Grid Europe GmbH (OGE)

Thanks to the successful collaboration with adesso and the cross-departmental Interaction Room on digital sustainability, our team at Open Grid Europe was able to better understand the relationships within the topic, outline fields of action and identify the right tools we need to take solution-oriented measures.
Mathias Einck | IT Reporting and Analytics | Open Grid Europe GmbH


Climate change and having to do business sustainably are major challenges for people and businesses all over the world. Each and every company is now legally obliged to establish functioning sustainability management (ESG reporting), and doing so has become critical to their success and their future. Since this process requires a multitude of data sources that require complex coordination, introducing digital sustainability management is a must.

Many departments in the organisations need guidance on accessing and handling the necessary data, on new digital processes and on the topic of sustainability management as a whole. Which regulations apply in each case? What are important fields of action in the company, which departments need to be involved and what specific tasks need to be tackled?

In order to answer these and other questions, adesso offers a modular basic package that includes planning, selecting the best software solutions and implementation.

Open Grid Europe (OGE for short) opted for this package. adesso started with the ‘Assessment & Scoping’ module. As one of the leading transmission system operators in Europe, OGE already meets several ISO standards to ensure its sustainability management complies with the law.

OGE had already defined some initial goals regarding existing and future regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG) and the EU taxonomy.

However, due to the increasing requirements and the reporting obligations they entail, it was first necessary to create a common understanding of sustainability management as a whole and to clearly identify and prioritise the corresponding measures and IT solutions they require.

What happened in the Interaction Room

After kicking off with an initial discussion about OGE’s expectations for its sustainability management and establishing what its current status was, the participants were given an informal presentation on the CSR reporting framework along with a general explanation of the regulations that specifically affect OGE. A scope and a vision were then developed as a working foundation based on this shared information.

  • Develop a shared understanding of sustainability management
  • Develop a shared position on sustainability management at OGE
  • Build a commitment among all stakeholders in order to derive strategic goals and to decide on concrete measures, prioritise them and create work packages


adesso’s Interaction Room method was used to help develop a ‘vision 1.0’ for sustainability management at OGE:

At the start of the session, adesso gave a keynote presentation on the requirements for CSR management. The first activity saw the participants work in small groups to collect and integrate all the perspectives of the stakeholders involved and their departments on these requirements. This was followed by a joint consolidation and a general commitment to the issues. The strategic goals were then derived to form a ‘vision 1.0’ for sustainability management. This provided concrete next steps on what needs to happen for this vision 1.0 to be realised. The group then used these next steps to identify specific follow-up projects as measures to achieve the goals. The results of the activity the participants had done in small groups earlier were also consolidated in this. The next step was to evaluate the follow-up projects in terms of their impact and the effort required for OGE to implement them. This made it possible to prioritise the identified projects on the basis of their evaluation and then to allocate the respective project owners.

In a second step, project profiles will be developed in a project profile workshop based on the Interaction Room workshop. The aim of this is to further solidify the focus projects that have been developed.

adesso services at a glance:

  • Preliminary discussion on the goals and clarification of the organisational and technical requirements. adesso provides the IT equipment.
  • A multi-stage workshop with various project members and adesso consultants.
  • Provision of specialist information on the legal requirements for CSR management to enrich the initial situation.
  • Preparation of documentation and reports.
  • Presentation of the results and discussion as well as agreement on the next step.


  • Involving the stakeholders and changing perspectives makes it possible to identify connections and concentrate on what is most important.
  • The combination of group work and consolidation allows common assessments to be developed that lead to harmonised expectations.
  • In addition, leaner projects lead to faster results.
  • The team works together on joint solutions as equals in the Interaction Room.

Open Grid Europe GmbH (OGE), headquartered in Essen, Germany, is one of the leading transmission system operators in Europe. With a pipeline network spanning approximately 12,000 km and almost 1,500 employees in its Sales, Dispatching, Services and Technical Infrastructure departments, OGE is also an important player in the energy transition. An appropriate infrastructure will transport natural gas today and green gases in the future.

Do you have any questions?

Let’s discuss how we can work together to implement your Salesforce project. I look forward to being able to meet with you.
