adesso hydrogen soltuions

The driving force behind a carbon-neutral future

Rethinking hydrogen technologies

Smart IT solutions for a clean future

The path to climate neutrality requires that we change how we source energy and heat. This means replacing fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, which can be done in many ways, be it through energy conservation, via electrification or by switching to green hydrogen. In most every respect, this will be a major undertaking and a huge challenge that can only succeed if business and social stakeholders work together.

adesso brings its IT and data expertise to the table to support and accelerate the hydrogen ramp-up in Germany and Europe.

Are you H2-ready?

An overview of our solutions

Other related services

Data management and evaluation

End-to-end management and evaluation of real-time data made possible by AI.

IT security

ISO and GDPR certification to meet the highest IT security standards.


Configuring and maintaining interfaces to invoicing, SCADA and business process systems.


Developing cloud-native applications and scalable solutions.

Culture change

  • Support during the change management process provided by experienced change coaches.
  • KPIs and OKRs as a management and motivational tool within the company

Other topics at a glance

Do you have any questions?

No website or brochure can ever trump a face-to-face discussion about the goals and issues that are relevant to you. We look forward to meeting you in person.
