N-ERGIE required a modern application to process purchase requisitions. This application needed to allow processing on different desktop devices and also had to be provided on the existing mobile infrastructure.

Introduction of SAP Fiori/SAP Fiori Mobile
The project saw a first implementation of SAP Fiori, Fiori launchpad and the associated SAP Gateway. The application was rolled out to the mobile infrastructure using the ‘SAP Fiori Client’ iOS app via Mobile Iron. The ‘SAP SSO 3.0’ single sign-on solution was introduced for a uniform and simple authentication process. ‘SAP Authenticator’ was introduced on iOS devices.
N-ERGIE thus created the basis for the mobilisation of SAP processes and introduced a single sign-on solution immediately. This meant the foundation was laid for the introduction of SAP Fiori and the mobilisation of SAP processes.
N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft is one of Germany’s ten largest electricity providers. It supplies large parts of Middle Franconia and the surrounding areas with electricity and gas, and also supplies the city of Nuremberg with water and district heating.

Do you have any questions?
There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.