Hardly any bank or financial service provider is (currently) without a digitalisation project. The corona pandemic and its impact have made a significant contribution to digitalisation at the interface to the customer. In our opinion, portals provide a great opportunity for banks to get closer to their customers again, despite automation and the cutback in branches.
Customer contact is the first and most important prerequisite for successful business. The first steps are already taken early on during onboarding. Whether the chemistry between bank and customer is right is decided at the latest in Service and Marketing.
We have already accompanied a number of well-known customers from the banking and financial services industry on their path to a portal.
adesso financial platform
The adesso financial platform (afp) is the platform for the financial sector. The solution is based on state-of-the-art software architecture and offers extensive options to optimally design core functions and processes for users. Ready-made building blocks enable individual ‘out-of-the-box’ use.