Lots of people deal with IMA DAIRY & FOOD products on a daily basis without even knowing. From yoghurt pots to mustard sachets, many packages for food and dairy products come from one of the IMA Group’s machines. The specialists for tailor-made products ensure that no design request remains unfulfilled. But the more customised the packaging, the more complex it is to develop the machine. Therefore, instead of standard components, IMA DAIRY & FOOD often installs custom machine parts, which is a challenge for the entire supply chain.
The machine components are procured on the global market by the brands ERCA, GASTI, HAMBA, HASSIA and INTECMA, which all belong to IMA DAIRY & FOOD. Almost 3,000 suppliers service the companies in Germany, Italy, France and Spain. In such a market, it is impossible to maintain a group-wide overview and strategically optimise procurement without using digital tools.