group of people standing together

Development of a modern personal information management system

Generali Deutschland Informatik Services GmbH


The ‘PeRsonalInformationManagEmentsystem’ project (or ‘PRIME’ for short) had the objective of building a modern personal information management system. This aimed to ensure the sustainability of the system in its central role within Generali’s application landscape. At the same time, the technical infrastructure of the company had to be prepared for future challenges such as those arising from digitalisation in the insurance industry.

adesso supported Generali in setting up a new big data landscape, developing new streaming jobs via Spark in talend and creating new Hive tables.


The new, modern partner system can react faster and more flexibly to new requirements and is significantly more cost-effective in the areas of operation and maintenance than the previous partner system. What’s more, jobs can run with much better performance than before thanks to Spark.

As a full-service IT provider, Generali Deutschland Informatik Services GmbH is one of the biggest primary insurance groups on the German market. The IT services of all Group companies of the Generali Deutschland Group are kept up and running at its sites in Aachen and Hamburg.

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