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So much for German angst – what businesses think about ChatGPT

New toy or game-changer? Millions of people are using ChatGPT as an entirely normal part of their daily routine. The success of the large language model has surprised many. IT service provider adesso asked decision-makers at German companies about their expectations and experiences with AI, their plans for the future and how they see the technology developing. The verdict? AI is coming, and there isn’t much standing in its way.

Ever since US company OpenAI launched its ChatGPT chatbot without much fanfare, the topic of artificial intelligence has barely been out of the headlines. ChatGPT can spot issues in software code, suggest improvements to Excel formulae and even write entire blog articles. The large language model has attracted 100 million users in record time, setting a new benchmark in an industry already driven by hype. In a business context, ChatGPT is an easy-to-use, intuitive user interface that allows specialist business units to test out new features without requiring technical expertise or drawn-out integration processes. adesso was keen to find out what business leaders think of it.

Here are the key findings of the study.

  • ChatGPT is being welcomed with open arms. Most business leaders sense that generative AI is a game-changer. The vast majority of respondents (90 %) are already looking into the possibilities that models such as ChatGPT can deliver. 71 % rate the solution’s performance as “good” or “very good”.
  • AI is suddenly everywhere. Some 51 % of those surveyed can imagine integrating the application directly into their own processes. It remains to be seen whether this enthusiasm will translate into real-life use cases in the next few months. In terms of potential applications, customer support jumps out to most. After all, not-so-smart chatbots are already deployed on a widespread basis in customer communications. 53 % of respondents are planning such projects in the near future. The list of potential use cases also includes research tasks (46 %), creating content for internal communications (42 %), data analysis (40 %) and content for websites or mailing lists (39 %).
  • For all the euphoria, AI should be kept in check. Despite the excitement about the possibilities large language models such as ChatGPT open up, 62 % of respondents believe that humans should still have the final call on decisions in AI-supported processes. In addition, 55 % would like to see a European equivalent to the chatbot with a similar level of performance in order to ensure GDPR-compliance and data sovereignty.
  • AI colleagues eagerly awaited. The technology isn’t just raising expectations for greater process efficiency through automation – 59 % of business leaders believe that ChatGPT can help relieve the shortage of skilled workers. Marketing managers are particularly firm believers, with 92 % agreeing with the statement.
  • German angst? No chance! In some cases, the chatbot states incorrect facts or makes up sources, a phenomenon for which the term “AI hallucination” has been coined. While experts are still extensively debating the vulnerabilities of ChatGPT, the chatbot already enjoys the trust of most users, with 52 % believing the results that it provides. Just as many respondents feel able to judge whether the answers are correct. Are they right to think so or are they blinded by the assuredness with which ChatGPT answers any question? Time will tell. The majority of respondents (55 %) have no qualms about the security of their data in their interactions with ChatGPT.

“The results of our survey can only lead to one conclusion: applications such as ChatGPT will soon become commonplace at companies,” says Benedikt Bonnmann, Head of the Data & Analytics division at adesso. “The mood among business leaders is already practically euphoric. Once the AI applications have overcome their teething problems, the possibilities will be truly endless. Businesses that are early movers on this topic will be more successful over the long term than those that ignore the change.”

Benedikt Bonnmann is head ot the Data & Analytics business unit at adesso: "Companies that address the topic of AI and its applications at an early stage will be more successful in the long term." (Copyright: adesso)

AI at adesso data day in Frankfurt on 4 May

Innovative AI solutions and data analytics technologies will also be the focus of adesso data day, to be held in Frankfurt on 4 May. The event will consider how companies can derive maximum value from their data. adesso data day is a platform for decision makers, experts and new entrants alike, providing practical expertise and information on trends and technologies. User companies will report on their experiences to show how they approach classic data challenges and cutting-edge topics. Another area of focus for adesso data day will be trustworthy AI and the EU AI Regulation. Further information is available on the adesso website. Companies and journalists wishing to attend can also register for the event there.

adesso and the Cologne-based market research agency heute & morgen conducted a survey on the subject of ChatGPT in February 2023. A total of 500 business leaders in Germany employing a minimum of 250 people were asked for their opinions.

The study can be downloaded for free at

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