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Dortmund |

Ralf Degerdon, Business Development Executive at adesso

adesso, a leading IT service provider in the German-speaking world, and the Polish digital health company Infermedica are entering into a strategic partnership aimed at increasing the performance and efficiency of the healthcare sector through digital solutions. According to the vision, the use of AI applications will relieve the workload for healthcare professionals, helping to ensure better care for patients at hospitals and doctors’ surgeries, as well as better service in their dealings with health insurers.

The digital transformation has arrived in the healthcare sector. Health and fitness apps, electronic health insurance cards and the introduction of electronic health records help to master the challenges facing nearly all healthcare systems, such as treating an ever-growing number of elderly and chronically ill people, paying for expensive medical innovations and keeping structurally disadvantaged rural regions properly supplied with medical care. The processes behind the technological transformation offer tremendous potential for improvement for hospitals, doctors’ surgeries and physicians associations alike.

adesso and Infermedica plan to seize this potential by leveraging their consulting and development capabilities, as well as their expertise in digital solutions, to tackle the challenges in the healthcare sector. The integration of the AI-based Symptom Checker, for example, aims to promote targeted, enhanced medical care. Patients can use the online tool to assess their symptoms themselves. Infermedica and adesso are focusing on AI applications that will make day-to-day administrative tasks at hospitals, doctors’ surgeries and insurance companies easier, with the goal of significantly relieving doctors’ workloads and freeing up more time for treating and engaging with patients.

Jörg Weise, Head of Business Development DACH at Infermedica, says: “The German healthcare system needs to awaken from its deep slumber. We see digitalisation, and especially the use of artificial intelligence, as one of the biggest keys to better healthcare – and a healthier future in Germany.”

Jörg Weise, Head of Infermedica in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Copyright: infermedica

Ralf Degerdon, Business Development Executive at adesso, adds: “As heavyweights in the field of digital health, we want to join forces to revolutionise the management of healthcare provision. Artificial intelligence and strong alliances will help us in the process. Our partnership enables us to develop tailored systems that optimally rise to the many challenges facing individual institutions and providers.”

Ralf Degerdon, Business Development Executive at adesso. Copyright: adesso

About Infermedica

Infermedica is a Polish digital health company that specialises in AI-based solutions for symptom assessment and patient triage. The company’s goal is to make healthcare accessible, convenient and affordable for everyone worldwide. To do so, Infermedica is automating basic care, from diagnosis to healing.

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