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Product launch for manufacturing industry – first mover Mercedes-Benz: accelerates digitalisation in manufacturing

Mercedes-Benz began using the platform for the digital sampling of vehicle parts in autumn last year. The internet platform is a key link between the premium manufacturer’s plants and all its partners, such as suppliers and sub-suppliers as well as test laboratories. Other major manufacturers have already launched validation projects as well. Now that the product has been successfully positioned on the market, the company behind, logsolut AG, is renaming itself AG and gaining development partner adesso as its majority owner.

The goal is for the new product to serve the entire manufacturing industry. For example, Mercedes-Benz is currently planning to use the platform for all sampling activities at its construction plants by the end of 2023 at the latest. The automaker expects the reduction in manual effort for all partners to lead to time savings of at least 25 % per sampling and to considerable savings potential for suppliers and laboratories.

Following the pilot phase at Mercedes-Benz last year, the platform will now be expanded from sampling in the automotive sector to supporting end-to-end supply chains across the entire manufacturing industry. This will make it possible to take into account the latest statutory requirements for ethical business practices under the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettengesetz), applicable sustainability, environmental and recycling regulations as well as certification processes.

The change of company name sees Bernd Löhle, founder and managing director of logsolut, become a member of the Executive Board of the new AG. He has worked together with his team and adesso to continuously develop the platform in recent months and knows what it has to offer: “ enables the intelligent use of data from a large number of components in global supply chains, meaning that products and requirements can be skilfully optimised. Analysing test results allows material requirements to be adjusted so that production costs and warranty claims can be reduced.”

adesso’s head of Automotive & Transportation, Stefan Hussmann, will also hold an Executive Board position. He is currently talking to leading OEMs and producers on the German market and knows the difficulties they are facing: “We are convinced that companies and their suppliers that join the platform can gain competitive advantages for their production processes in global supply chains. There is certainly a tremendous need for this on the market.”

The board members of AG, Stefan Hussmann (left) and Bernd Löhle, are looking forward to working with the industry. (Copyright: Private)]

Having joined forces to form AG, the teams from adesso and the former logsolut will now focus on ensuring greater transparency, clarity and efficiency in global industrial supply chains on a uniform platform.

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