The prosperous district features a strong industrial sector specialising in mechanical engineering, original equipment manufacturing for the automotive industry and information technology. A number of up-and-coming companies considered to be hidden champions are also based here and are internationally active. Guided by its mission to be “the university for the information society”, Paderborn University has plans to build a modern high-performance computing centre. The teaching and research activities at the university’s Department of Computer Science focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning and IT security – subjects that are also at the heart of work at adesso. As a result, graduates of the universities in Paderborn and nearby Bielefeld will now find attractive and exciting job opportunities in Paderborn at adesso, which was named Germany’s best employer in the ITC sector in the 2020 Great Place to Work study®.

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Dortmund/Paderborn |
adesso now also represented in Paderborn
adesso is continuing to pursue its expansion strategy in the new year and is heading to where its customers and highly qualified IT experts, including recent university graduates, are already based. This month, adesso opens its 26th office in Germany in Paderborn. There are plenty of reasons why the company has decided to establish a presence in the western German city, located in the heart of the country’s eastern Westphalia region.

View of the new "Westend-Carre" business quarter on Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring in Paderborn, where adesso will move into offices. (Copyright: K&V König Architekten)
Another thing the new location has going for it is the Paderborn-based technology network and leading-edge cluster it’s OWL – Intelligent Technical Systems OstWestfalenLippe. The alliance of some 200 companies in the region is considered to be a leading initiator of Industry 4.0 solutions for intelligent products and production processes in mechanical engineering. Paderborn’s own Fraunhofer IEM, a preferred adesso network partner at various locations, is also a part of it’s OWL as a representative of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s research activities.
For Bernd Leineweber, Site Manager of the Paderborn location, this innovative business and research infrastructure offers a good starting point: “The Ostwestfalen-Lippe region strives to be a leading provider and market for Industry 4.0. The mechanical engineering sector has a large presence here and allows us to address a clientele with a tremendous need for innovation. Still, we also have offerings for all other industries, including banking, insurance and healthcare.” Leineweber, a native of the eastern part of Westphalia, has a strong network in the region. The communication electronics technician learnt his profession at Nixdorf Computer AG and spent many years at Siemens Nixdorf as an expert for project management and outsourcing.

Bernd Leineweber is the site manager of the new adesso office in Paderborn. (Copyright: private)
Leineweber brings with him from his previous employer in Paderborn a strong, experienced team of experts in the field of cloud management. Together with selected employees of the adesso subsidiary adesso mobile solutions GmbH, who already work in Paderborn, the new office is set to open with a staff of around 20 employees. The expansion plans at the new Westend-Carre business park on Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring in the north-west of Paderborn are ambitious: “By the end of 2022, we plan to have nearly 50 people at the location and be offering the entire adesso portfolio of services to our corporate customers,” says IT manager and cloud transformation expert Bernd Leineweber.
Contact details for the new adesso office in Paderborn:
adesso SE
Paderborn office
Site Manager
Bernd Leineweber
Lise-Meitner-Str. 1
33106 Paderborn
Mobile: +49 15238856806
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