
Press Releases

Linz and Dortmund |

adesso is Mindbreeze Partner of the Year 2021 in Europe

Mindbreeze, a leading provider of appliances and cloud services in the field of information insight, names adesso "European Partner of the Year 2021". Premium partner adesso demonstrated outstanding performance and exceptional implementation expertise in the implementation of Mindbreeze InSpire.

"adesso has a broad portfolio of technology partnerships. In Mindbreeze we have a close and strong partner for the segment of Enterprise Search and Insight Engines", explains Maximilian Berger, Enterprise Search responsible at adesso. "In our projects, our customers confirm the performance of Mindbreeze InSpire. We are therefore very pleased about the 'Partner of the Year' award - it is a welcome incentive for us to further expand in this segment."

"Mindbreeze Premium Partners are pioneers of digital innovation. We are proud to have such a reliable and competent partner as adesso on board to transform new ideas into breakthrough innovations at customers based on Mindbreeze InSpire", explains Daniel Fallmann, founder and CEO of Mindbreeze.

Further information and registration for the Mindbreeze Partner Program can be found at:

Maximilian Berger, responsible for Enterprise Search at adesso, is pleased about the Mindbreeze award "Partner of the Year". (Copyright: privat)

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