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adesso is making the financial world mobile: enterprise mobility for Union Investment

Asset manager Union Investment has contracted IT service provider adesso AG with developing a mobility architecture to expand the company’s enterprise mobility strategy. In future, Union Investment employees will be able to handle key business processes on the go using Smartphone applications. A new era in enterprise mobility at the investment company has dawned.

Union Investment selected adesso as its IT consultant for the enterprise mobility project based on its positive experience with adesso in previous projects. In addition, adesso offers just the right combination of skills that the financial service provider demands for its project – expertise in enterprise mobility, strategy development, project management and agile software development.

Enterprise mobility is the technical term used to describe a change in day-to-day business. A rising number of tasks are being completed with mobile devices and cloud services outside of the office – whether during business trips, on the go, from home or directly with the customer. The easier it is to use business processes on a mobile basis, the more flexibility it gives employees.

adesso is supporting Union Investment in the first stages of the project up to the end of 2018 by mobilising the release processes for the business transactions time approval, including application for leave, and invoicing. In order to make the application as easy as possible for employees, all actions are structured and named in the same way for all processes. A standard user interface and a uniform user experience are also vital for mobilising other business processes. Following the successful pilot phase, processes including access management (user authorisation) and working time adjustments are currently being introduced which will also to be applied to enterprise mobility. To achieve this, the project team defines processes to be mobilised in a step-by-step, agile project schedule.

adesso is currently developing an app dashboard to ensure that users have an overview of the numerous options within the app. At adesso’s recommendation, the customer, Investment Union, selected a modern middleware solution from a smaller provider as a technical foundation for the mobility architecture based on cost, flexibility and appropriateness considerations.

“We currently assume that we will be able to integrate around 28 different business transactions into our new enterprise mobility app. The objective is for the solution to ultimately run on more than 1,100 employee Smartphones,” said Frank Henkes, head of central services at Union IT-Services GmbH and responsible for the project at Union Investment. Henkes also emphasised the significance of the project method applied by adesso: “A mobilisation project such as ours cannot be achieved without an agile approach. In adesso we have found a highly experienced partner to have on our side in this regard.”

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