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adesso helps Mobile Retter e.V. to crowdfund the first, Germany-wide first aider alert system

IT service provider adesso AG is helping the non-profit organisation Mobile Retter (Mobile Rescuers) with its current crowdfunding campaign. Donations will help to further expand the nationwide circulation of qualified first aiders who can assist people in life-threatening situations. Those who want to support the “Jede Sekunde zählt” (Every Second Counts) campaign can donate directly on the platform .

All of us could find ourselves in a situation like the one Gabriele Schürmann describes in the Mobile Retter video on Startnext: she was out shopping when she suddenly felt nauseous and then fainted. Had the first aider summoned, Michael Eckert, and another mobile rescuer not been on hand to provide immediate CPR, it is unlikely that she would have survived the situation. After six minutes of resuscitation, they were able to largely stabilise Ms Schürmann. Nine minutes later, the ambulance arrived to provide further care.

Mobile Retter’s smartphone-based alert system made this possible. The mobile rescuer in the vicinity was able to provide medically qualified assistance within four minutes. Numerous lives have been saved this way since the system was launched in Germany. The current fundraising campaign aims to help the organisation to expand its activities across Germany and achieve its aim of saving up to 10,000 lives a year.

At present, more than 3,700 mobile rescuers in seven connected regions in Germany already cover 2.5 million people. Stefan Prasse, Managing Director of Mobile Retter, outlines the objective of the fundraising drive: “We have a vision of nationwide coverage with 100,000 voluntary mobile rescuers, who could save up to 10,000 lives a year. As a charity, we can only achieve this objective with donations. Just 50 euros lets us oversee one mobile rescuer for a year.”

adesso has been working with the initiative for several months as a technology partner, developing and expanding the app-based alert system through its subsidiary medgineering GmbH. In an ideal scenario, the system allows professional first aiders who happen to be in the vicinity to reach the scene faster than an ambulance. They are then be able to initiate lifesaving emergency aid such as resuscitation in the event of cardiac arrest more quickly.

Markus Lünsmann heads adesso’s medgineering GmbH: “As a partner, we are supporting the crowdfunding campaign in our own way: by providing our proven IT expertise free of charge, which we, as a company with social responsibility, are investing in the expansion of the technology platform. We are also raising awareness of the current fundraising drive for Mobile Retter among clients, partners and friends. Donating pays off for us all – for society as a whole!”

The fundraising campaign is running until 12 December 2017. The initial funding goal is 50,000 euros, which will fund another 1,000 mobile rescuers who could be activated next year. Or course, it does not stop with collecting donations. The more money the organisation raises, the more mobile rescuers can work to save lives among the population. Those who would like to participate in this first major fundraising campaign will find all information at the crowdfunding site Startnext:

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