Press Releases

Dortmund/Münster |

adesso and Eucon announce strategic partnership

IT service provider adesso and Eucon Digital GmbH are entering into a strategic partnership. The collaboration is designed to accommodate the growing demand from insurers for digital solutions to optimise processes. It combines the two companies’ technology and expertise and covers the entire German-speaking insurance market. adesso and Eucon will also be represented on this topic at the Schadenmanagement & Assistance trade show and conference in Leipzig on 18 and 19 March 2025.

The partners are pooling their strengths to offer insurance companies an innovative, holistic solution for personal injury claims management and support them through the digital transformation. To this end, Eucon’s experts are expanding the technical basis provided by the SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform adesso in|sure Ecosphere, adding advanced interface management services for the personal injury sector. Eucon’s services for insurers range from quick, uncomplicated clarification of the medical situation to medical risk assessment, including a detailed and precise forecast of the expected total costs, and beyond to social insurance company billing verification. Companies that opt for this additional service can further accelerate their processes and workflows in digital management, processing and verification of claims.

Increased efficiency through process automation and optimised workflows

The increasing lack of in-house IT resources and the complexity of the connection processes involved are among the key challenges in the digital transformation for insurers. adesso’s in|sure Ecosphere SaaS platform gives insurance companies an opportunity to organise their IT environment efficiently and cost-effectively with an integrated standard software landscape.

Supplemented by Eucon’s specialised services, the launch of the new platform means insurers can seamlessly integrate all ongoing processes. The service provider is responsible for ensuring smooth communication and workflow between insurers’ existing systems and the newly connected digital services. Outsourcing and automating administrative and operational tasks in the areas of claims processing and management will significantly reduce the burden on insurers.

“As a service provider, our aim is to minimise transaction costs for our customers when placing orders and communicating with us,” says Jörg Halm, Director Personal Injury at Eucon Digital GmbH. “Our collaboration with adesso will help us to achieve this while offering our customers real added value. Together, we will help insurers to further improve their processes and workflows in personal injury claims management and achieve a more favourable claims cost ratio.”

Jörg Halm ist Direktor Personenschaden bei der Eucon Digital GmbH. (Quelle: Eucon Digital GmbH)

Jörg Halm ist Direktor Personenschaden bei der Eucon Digital GmbH. (Quelle: Eucon Digital GmbH)

Sven Schlünzen, Managing Director Sales at adesso insurance solutions GmbH, adds: “The demand for specialised services like those offered by Eucon is growing steadily. This partnership empowers us to offer our customers an end-to-end service from a single source. It represents a marriage of technological and specialist expertise. Our customers and their end customers want faster processing times and a reduction in administrative work. Our partnership is taking digital claims processing to a whole new level.”

Sven Schlünzen ist Geschäftsführer Vertrieb bei der adesso insurance soltutions GmbH. (Quelle: privat)

Sven Schlünzen ist Geschäftsführer Vertrieb bei der adesso insurance soltutions GmbH. (Quelle: privat)

adesso (Level +1 | Booth 2) and Eucon (Level +1 | Booths 10 and 11) will be represented at the Schadenmanagement & Assistance trade show and conference in Leipzig on 18 and 19 March 2025. Visitors are welcome to stop by the booths to learn more about the collaboration and the joint services the companies will be providing.

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