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Time Out

For plans beyond your work routine

Unpaid leave when you need it

There are these projects in life that are simply not so well compatible with work: Be it a trip around the world that has been planned since the time of your studies, the completion of a dissertation or simply extended time with your family!

We know that the job is an important part of life, but not everything. That is why we offer our employees the opportunity to take up to two months' unpaid leave at a time. In this otherwise remuneration-free time adesso pays a bonus.

My time off

Stefanie Baumgart, Senior Personnel Officer, Human Resources Management

After the introduction of the ERP system had kept me pretty busy and the most important milestone had been reached with a live run there, a break came at just the right time. The opportunity was there. So I thought I'd get to work quickly, because who knows what new projects are coming up next year!

What I did in my adesso time out:

I wandered around the world!
It wasn’t that I had a big plan I’d been waiting to put into action my whole life. It was really just the little things you don’t often get the time for. I’d been talking about going to the seaside with my grandparents for years; now I’ve done it. My best friend lives in the USA and our chances to catch up are few and far between, so I went to visit her in New York. I also went to Paris and toured a few cities with my sister.

My personal highlight of my time out was:

The language café I organise with a few friends celebrated its first birthday. We meet up twice a month with new arrivals in Dortmund and anyone else interested in getting involved in an international group. The project has proven so popular that we can look back on a whole year of varied, exciting evenings.

What´s the difference betweenadesso time out an a normal holiday?

There’s just more of it! And you know it’s something special, so you make the most of every single day!

What I gained from my time out:

The great feeling that comes from being able to take some time for myself after months of hard work.

My recommendation to other adessi:

If you’ve been thinking about applying for Time Out and you’re itching to pursue some personal goals, don’t hesitate! It makes no difference whether you have a major life project planned out or you or just want to take four weeks off to enjoy your favourite novels. Just taking some time for yourself will do you a world of good.

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