Cloud Native Thinking

The potential in the architecture

A no-cloud strategy… like a no-business strategy

The use of cloud technologies and processes can open up a whole world of benefits: lower costs, faster processes, greater scalability and improved stability. Working “in the cloud” is becoming standard procedure throughout the IT environment. Defining a cloud strategy helps businesses benefit from these advantages, without any of the adverse effects such as vendor lock-in, data protection uncertainty and a loss of control. But lifting and shifting applications into the cloud is not enough. The cloud can only be used to its full potential if companies plan and implement their development and infrastructure to be cloud native right from day one.

Cloud native thinking broadens horizons

Software development

From waterfall to agile development to DevOps

Application architecture

From silos to service-oriented architecture to microservices


From servers to virtual machines to containers


From server room to data centre to cloud platform

Whether it’s 10 customer enquiries or 10,000, flexible processes running on elastic infrastructure can absorb demand. Cloud native refers to a set of architectures, practices and tools to develop and operate applications.

Cloud native topics include:

  • Develop a cloud native strategy
  • Migration strategy and project management
  • Software process: DevOps
  • Application architecture Microservices architecture
  • Deployment: containers
  • Infrastructure: cloud platform

When used correctly, cloud native systems can quickly offer benefits in terms of reliability and scalability at a low infrastructure cost. A large number of concepts and ideas are relevant here, from cloud native principles to cloud native methods. The job of business management is to orchestrate everything so that the entrepreneurial mindset and cloud native thinking are merged into one.

The enefits to IT: facilitating stability and cost reduction, even at a high level of decision-making autonomy.

Recommendations for action for a new role of IT in the company

  • Platform-neutral or cross-platform mindset. Cloud native tools such as Kubernetes and Prometheus are available as cross-platform applications.
  • Develop a cloud strategy (public/private/multi-cloud). Make decisions on a case-by-case basis but never lose track of the overarching migration scenario.
  • Tackle risks of technology/vendor lock-in. Open-source standards and interface can be of help here.

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