Different pictures


How can ideas be experienced?

How things used to be

In the IT industry, there was always someone who said what to build, that is, the department. The latter only had to formulate requirements. Dividing tasks in this way no longer works today because the requirements are often unknown. The understanding of the impact of digital potential on user needs, business and the related expectations vary widely today. Digital transformationprojects are innovative by nature. These projects require greater design skills that complement the perspective of technology, business and people. The architecture role, which is known from other industries and is responsible for designing solutions and developing requirements together with the implementation team, is often missing.

Then design comes into play

As soon as important questions about the future and the design framework have been defined, we develop the first ideas together with you in the Interaction Room. In keeping with the principles of digital design, adesso ensures early conceptual interlinking of the solution level, use cases and the digital system. In the process, the teams work out the potential of the technology in combination with the economic options and the future needs of people. In the lab, prototypes support the proof of technology. In addition, the pitch story is used to review the customer and business value.

The situation today

In shaping the ideas and concepts of the Digital Design team, our Innovation Guides use design methods that integrate the perspectives of business, people and technology in an interdisciplinary way. This closes translation gaps and enables early testing and validation.

We use design excellence, holistic control processes, agility and our adesso innovation workshops (Lab and Interaction Room) to quickly generate ideas and experiences through shared understanding and to transfer the concepts to the stage of implementation and integration. In addition to providing solutions, design and implementation are simultaneously set up as a process of gaining knowledge for your learning organisation.

Successful projects – satisfied customers

We have helped companies and organisations from different sectors and areas in various projects to successfully master their innovation projects.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
