
The status of AI in D-A-CH

Plans, Forecasts, Projects: Almost 2,000 persons answered our questions

The study

Almost 1,000 executives and 1,000 consumers gave us an insight into their ideas, prejudices and plans around AI.

Our study "AI - a stocktaking" gives you different perspectives on the topic of Artificial Intelligence: On the one hand, the perspective of decision-makers in companies - the people who, with their decisions and projects, create new work processes, forms of communication and business models from new technology.

On the other hand, the perspective of customers. The people who, as consumers, benefit from the effects of AI-supported offers and services or - depending on their attitude - are affected.

The facts of our study will help you to develop a better feeling for topics and trends, for attitudes and expectations.

The study

>> Take this report as an impetus for discussion. About your perspective on AI. And how we can support you - with our experience, our understanding of technology and our industry knowledge. I look forward to the human-to-human conversation - without AI in between.

Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender, adesso SE

Volker Gruhn

Our AI topics at a glance

Are you interested in other topics related to Artificial Intelligence? Here it is all about your AI activities and how you can achieve your goals with AI.

Find out how AI can support you in your work, what potential lies behind the technology and which topics concern those responsible.

Learn more

Do you have any questions?

Artificial intelligence is not a replacement for human discussion

Are you wondering what possibilities AI can open up in your company? Would you like to learn more about its applications and the technology? We cannot give you a pack full of stock responses, but we can share with you our specialist knowledge, our curiosity about your company and our passion for technology.

We would be delighted to talk to you.
