adesso office with bikes

Sustainable Company


Company-wide activities

We take our duty to protect the environment seriously. That is why we are working to reduce the direct and indirect impact we have on the environment. Thanks to optimised energy consumption at our locations, new travel and purchasing guidelines and an adapted car policy, adesso is making gradual steps to becoming more sustainable.

Some measures have already been firmly anchored at adesso for a while now. These include:

  • Printer paper in the offices made of 100 per cent recycled paper with the German ‘Blue Angel’ eco label. This means that we use 60 per cent less energy and up to 70 per cent less water per product.
  • Waste is separated in all offices to promote recycling.
  • adesso uses energy-saving lights and motion sensors and almost exclusively green electricity.
  • adesso gives preference to regional and fair-trade products.
  • adesso’s facilities are well connected to public transport services.
  • We only purchase electrical appliances with a green energy consumption label or eco-label.
  • adesso also makes donations in the name of the environment every year. In 2022, for example, it contributed to the Green Forest Fund, which is dedicated to planting natural forest ecosystems without exploiting them for profit, and to Moore Futures, an initiative for the protection and rehabilitation of wetlands.

adesso partners with AfB Social and Green IT

adesso has contracted a specialised disposal company to refurbish, reuse or recycle old laptops, smartphones and the like. In 2022, a total of 5.3 tonnes of old appliances were collected from adesso’s offices in Berlin and Dortmund. A large portion of the devices (70 per cent) could be refurbished and reused. This service enabled us to prevent 199,204 kg in CO2 equivalents.

AfB gGmbH is the largest non-profit IT company in Europe, focusing on extending the service life of used hardware. AfB is an inclusive company, with roughly 45 per cent of its employees being people with disabilities.

Logo AfB

Inessa Azizova

Our Environmental Management Officer

Sustainability needs internal rules, processes and systems in order to be successfully implemented in business operations. This is why adesso has established an environmental management system that is certified in accordance with the international standard ISO 14001. In her role as Environmental Management Officer, Inessa Azizova is the expert for the system, its related processes and our annual goals. In consultation with the management team, she advocates environmental concerns and ensures that adesso complies with their binding obligations in this regard.

Inessa Azizova

This includes the annual sustainability report, among other things. To do this, Inessa collects key figures, assesses the extent to which measures have been complied with and plans how adesso can make itself and its carbon footprint more sustainable. We spoke to Inessa about her role:

Inessa, how did you become an Environmental Management Officer at adesso?

Inessa Azizova: I started as a working student at adesso in the Information Security (ISM) department during my computer science studies at TU Dortmund University. There, the sustainability report came up in 2018 and I was supposed to help revise it and make it meaningful. Sure, I had signalled interest in the topic and in compiling the figures. My career aspirations to deal with standards and management systems also harmonised with this. It was an ideal fit that the position of Environmental Management Officer then had to be filled.

At first glance, my studies have only a limited connection with sustainability, but my computer science knowledge helps me a lot with a systematic approach and with our ISO certification. In addition, my tasks as an environmental management officer have to do with modelling methods, among other things - and that is one of my strengths.

How are you personally involved in the issue of sustainability?

Inessa: My awareness of the topic has increased again through the job. I pay much more attention to appropriate labels, recyclable and low-plastic packaging, sustainable delivery and regional products. I also use more apps on the topic than before. For example, the Planet Hero app, to good to go, Repacked or Dreckspetze, an app for reporting wild waste disposal in Dortmund.

Instead of flowers, I prefer to grow tomatoes and strawberries on my balcony, which makes me a bit less dependent on the supermarket and saves on packaging and transport. I grew up on a farm in Kazakhstan, where my family was able to grow its own food for the most part. In Dortmund, I've been trying to pick up where I left off a few years ago. And when I have my own garden someday, I definitely want to expand the cultivation.

What has been your biggest "aha" moment so far when it comes to sustainability?

Inessa: I find it shocking how many kilometres the adessi fly within a year - especially within Germany, because for these distances there are much lower CO2 mobility options without much time difference. Next to energy consumption, travel is the greatest burden we place on the environment. Reducing this is one of our primary sustainability goals.

On the other hand, I think it's great how many adessi are committed to the topic of sustainability and always start new campaigns. The Stuttgart office, for example, started the collection campaign "Mobile phones for the environment", which is now standard at many other locations. Or in Bonn, office materials such as adhesive tape etc. were replaced by a more environmentally friendly alternative, for example the Eco range from Tesa. My goal and wish is that such initiatives are controlled centrally in the future and thus directly transferred to the entire Group. Because together we can of course achieve much more.

Commitment to social sustainability

Social sustainability issues are just as important at adesso as environmental and economic sustainability. That is why adesso SE and other group companies donate to charitable projects every year, at Christmas or on other special occasions. These projects often focus on getting socially disadvantaged children and youths involved in society. In 2022, adesso SE once again contributed €100,000 to a wide range of topics, including educational support, adessi-supported volunteer projects, the promotion of women and health, sustainability and diversity.

The following projects and organisations received our financial support:

  • The German Children and Youth Foundation (Deutsche Kinder und Jugendstiftung, DKJS)
  • 'Together for Uganda’ (Miteinander für Uganda – a non-profit project for schools and education)
  • STINA (a nationwide helpline for people escaping forced prostitution in Germany)
  • The German Green Forest Fund (for planting natural forest ecosystems without exploiting them for profit)
  • Moore Futures (initiative for the protection and rehabilitation of wetlands)
  • Endometriosis Association Germany e.V. (Endometriose Vereinigung Deutschland e.V. – a nationwide self-help organisation for women’s health)
  • buildON – a non-profit organisation for building schools (this year for the Elisabethstift children’s and youth assistance institution)
  • The German Lesbian and Gay Association (Lesben- und Schwulenverband, LSVD – an association for promoting the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people)
  • Totschka – a Russian-language children’s and youth library (educational donation to help refugees and victims of the war in Ukraine)
  • Aid for Ukrainian refugees: ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft’ (Germany Helps Campaign) (continuation of adesso’s previous donation for the victims and refugees of the war in Ukraine)

The German Sustainability Code

adesso also follows the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) guidelines for sustainability reporting and the German Sustainability Code’s (Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex, DNK) national reporting standard.

An abridged version of our 2021 sustainability report was reviewed by the German Sustainability Code Office and published in its database.

Link to the German Sustainability Code

Logo Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex

Other topics at a glance

Activities at the local level

It is healthy, emission-free and often faster: adesso promotes cycling

For several years, adesso has participated in the German ‘Cycle to Work’ campaign. In 2022, 342 employees from 22 offices participated and cycled a total of 192,790 kilometres. This measure to raise awareness avoided 38 tonnes of CO2 emissions. adesso is also a partner of JobRad and gives all of its employees the opportunity to lease the bicycle of their choosing.

Any questions?

Would you like to learn more about sustainability at adesso or do you have questions about specific aspects? Please contact us.
