Probably the most researched generation to date is that of the so-called Millennials. Generation Y, which is currently streaming onto the labour market and which makes very special demands on companies. Above all, work should make sense and offer variety. Generation Y places a lot of value on self-fulfilment, but is also a skilled team player who excels at networking not only offline but also in the virtual world.
The internet and dealing with it are part of everyday life for Generation Y, as they are the first digital natives, i.e. they were socialised by technological media in childhood. Millennials are masters of project work and often get involved in their own projects beyond the job. Work and private life are thus no longer strictly divided, but complement each other and increasingly merge. Nevertheless, Generation Y places a lot of value on free space for private life. According to the German Association for Personnel Management (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung e. V.), the concept of "work-life balance" is developing into the "work-life blend". Private matters should also be able to be dealt with during working hours, but at the same time people are also prepared to work in their free time if necessary.