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Access to all public tendering platforms through a single interface

The Federal Procurement Office is the central procurement authority in the business division of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat; BMI). Within this role, it oversees a large number of tender processes for public-sector customers from across Germany.


There are approximately 300 different platforms and an equally large number of bidder clients for electronic tendering across Europe. In extreme cases, this means a company that wants to participate in calls for tenders on every platform in the EU has to install and use 300 different clients. The situation in Germany does not look any different. The XVergabe project was launched as part of the XÖV (XML in public administration) initiative to create standardised bidder access to the various tendering platforms provided by the public authorities through a standard interface.

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adesso supported the Federal Procurement Office of the BMI in the further development of the national XVergabe standard and the prompt implementation of this in the e-tendering platform by combining technological and specialist expertise.

adesso´s individual tasks consisted of:

Illustration Data
  • Involvement in the further developments of the XVergabe standard
  • Prompt implementation of the standard in the e-tendering platform
  • Development of a public test client to help the development of the server-side implementation
  • Development of a public test server to help the development of the client-side implementation

Do you have questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
