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DMS migration

Erste Abwicklungsanstalt (EAA) is a public law entity with partial legal capacity operating under the umbrella of the Financial Market Stabilisation Authority (FMSA).


At EAA, a data volume of approximately three terabytes was to be migrated directly from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2016. To this end, adesso migrated both systems from the previously used SharePoint 2010 to the latest version, SharePoint 2016, and updated the K2 workflow platform to the latest version, K2 Five. adesso took on the project management, planning and software development for the migration project.

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The migration of both systems to Microsoft SharePoint 2016 now means that EAA’s IT infrastructure is fully up-to-date and that it can also avail itself of support offered by Microsoft. Outdated technologies have been replaced, which allows the systems to be used on the go. Expandability and maintainability were also guaranteed, and performance was improved.

Illustration Data

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There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
