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Electronic handling of tender processes with e-tendering (e-Vergabe)

The Federal Procurement Office is the central procurement authority in the business division of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat; BMI). Within this role, it oversees a large number of tender processes for public-sector customers from across Germany.


Since 2003, the Federal Procurement Office of the BMI has used its own specially developed, multi-client capable platform for carrying out tender processes electronically, e-tendering (e-Vergabe). E-tendering is used to handle nearly all tender processes in a legally compliant way – from the call for tender to awarding the contract – across Germany and Europe.

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adesso is commissioned with maintaining and further developing e-tendering. As digitalisation progresses, more and more processes surrounding the life cycle of tender processes are being handled electronically. This gives the e-tendering platform a technically modern and future-proof footing while also allowing it to be continuously developed from a specialist point of view so that it can react flexibly to changes in legislation.


-tendering benefits from the specialist and technical expertise of adesso employees. A new, future-oriented e-tendering platform has been developed in collaboration with the Federal Procurement Office of the BMI.

Within the context of e-tendering, adesso has successfully implemented the following projects, among others:

Illustration Data
  • Selection and commissioning of the new server infrastructure for the modern operation of e-tendering
  • Implementation of a persistence layer for a maintenance-friendly database connection
  • New smartcard connection and implementation of new cryptographic processes for securely encrypting documents on the basis of current cryptographic algorithms
  • Development of usability prototypes and carrying out of usability tests
  • Design and development of a new web-based tender wizard to support bidders in the tendering processes
  • Support and maintenance of e-tendering software components
  • 24/7 operation of the e-tendering platform
  • Extensive implementation of the reforms in public procurement law that came into force in 2016

Do you have questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.
